Did you know Staff's don't like zombies...

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Did you know Staff's don't like zombies... Empty Did you know Staff's don't like zombies...

Post by Jellytot Sun Oct 28 2012, 11:50

Something really frightening happened this morning whilst we were on our normal walk. It was really stupid.

We live 'out in the sticks' and only have to cross the road and we're in a field where we walk through to the woods. We often see deer and all sorts of wildlife.

There are two ways into the field which is on a hill. One at the bottom and one half way down. We always walk down the road and into the one half way down.

This morning, the OH wanted to get his hat out his van, so Ralph and I walked down the road and into the field. I kept Ralph on the lead, thinking if he saw Danny, he'd run across the road to him. Danny took ages to appear, and when he did he was at the top of the field - he'd come in the other entrance, and was a good 150-200 yards away.

I let Ralph off, who hadn't noticed him.

So, I was down the bottom, and Danny was up the top.

Now, silly thing is, Danny and I are really into the Walking Dead - it's back on TV - we love it. For those of you that don't know, the whole world has this virus and those infected are zombies trying to eat the rest of the population! skull

So, as Danny is walking towards me in his hat, he puts his arms out like he's a zombie and starts walking like a zombie. Sounds absolutely ridiculous - but I found it amusing. Laughing

Ralph on the other hand did not. Straight Face

He clocked Danny and was watching him. Danny saw him looking and started walking towards him. Ralph bricked himself and without a second thought for me (I might get attacked by this approaching zombie) legged it across the field and out the entrance where the road is.

I am now hysterical at this point. So it's quiet where we live, but who's to say there isn't a car coming. I'm screaming at Danny to run after him - we are both in wellies and neither of us are the fittest or quickest people on the planet.

So, we both peg it across the field and out where we come in. I was petrified that Ralph would have run off completely and we wouldn't be able to see him - he's only just eight months - or worse get hit by a car.

We legged it round the corner and there he was. Sat the other side of the road by the corner where we turn to go towards our house. Thank god. whew!

I burst into tears! What a nutter. I was so happy to see him there - poor thing was really frightened!

Anyway, the moral to this story. Staff's don't like zombies!

Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator

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Did you know Staff's don't like zombies... Empty Re: Did you know Staff's don't like zombies...

Post by Taryn Sun Oct 28 2012, 12:19

romeo doesnt like zombies either. this summer they held zombie walk in helsinki center. its where people actually dress as zombies and walk through the city, there was so much fake blood everywhere.
well... when we ran into them poor romeo nearly peed homself, kept pulling to get away but we were right in the center of the capital, so with no chance of escape romeo hunched up behind my legs and showed his teeth and growled until we where able to get into the mall.... poor baby... like the time the girl in the sanwhich costume tried to give me a flyer... romeo was having nothing of it... dont think halloween is going to be his thing Laughing
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Did you know Staff's don't like zombies... Empty Re: Did you know Staff's don't like zombies...

Post by Guest Sun Oct 28 2012, 12:22

they can be very strange with unexpected reactions at times , not the toughest dogs around, pleased he was ok Smile


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Did you know Staff's don't like zombies... Empty Re: Did you know Staff's don't like zombies...

Post by Guest Sun Oct 28 2012, 12:33

lol awww! i think lexi woudl just look at whoever it was like "what are you doing"


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Did you know Staff's don't like zombies... Empty Re: Did you know Staff's don't like zombies...

Post by Guest Sun Oct 28 2012, 13:07

Laughing Poor Ralph. They are sooo sensitive.


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Did you know Staff's don't like zombies... Empty Re: Did you know Staff's don't like zombies...

Post by Guest Sun Oct 28 2012, 13:28

So glad he's OK Smile

Loki's the opposite; if he sees you do anything weird or act strange, he'll jump up at you and try to get you to play Laughing


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Did you know Staff's don't like zombies... Empty Re: Did you know Staff's don't like zombies...

Post by Jellytot Sun Oct 28 2012, 13:55

Taryn wrote:romeo doesnt like zombies either. this summer they held zombie walk in helsinki center. its where people actually dress as zombies and walk through the city, there was so much fake blood everywhere.
well... when we ran into them poor romeo nearly peed homself, kept pulling to get away but we were right in the center of the capital, so with no chance of escape romeo hunched up behind my legs and showed his teeth and growled until we where able to get into the mall.... poor baby... like the time the girl in the sanwhich costume tried to give me a flyer... romeo was having nothing of it... dont think halloween is going to be his thing Laughing

Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator

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