Ugh - yelled at by some misinformed creep

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Crying Ugh - yelled at by some misinformed creep

Post by Girly Thu Aug 09 2012, 17:17

So I took Jelly on a play date today in the park with another staffy (crossed with a lab, very cute) pup (7 months, Jelly is 6 months) whose mom is very "no leash, just chill" about it all which is fine but neither dog has good enough recall and I was wary to take Jelly off but I did. They both took off playing having a great time, then made straight for a picnic where they didn't do anything but sniff and lay down for strokes. No aggression, no food stealing, nothing but friendly puppy-ness. The picnic-ers tried scooting the pups away and all that and we of course went like a bullet after them to retrieve them, but this one stroppy, pathetic little twit was just absolutely ticked off and shouting at us to get them on the lead and they are dogs that eat children and he was not at all happy and on and on...


OK, I wouldn't want my picnic trod on by a puppy much less 2, unless it was my own. And I get that not all people like dogs. But the "children-eating" comment... what a complete "£$(*%$£(*"@£$($!!!

I knew it wouldn't be easy having a staffy because of their "social perception" (or misperception) but that really bothered me.

I guess I won't ever take her off the leash and will always keep her on a long line. I just wish she would learn to come back when I call. I try everything. I don't have time to dedicate myself 100% to teaching her recall... please say it will all come together eventually.

Sad hypnotised Straight Face

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Ugh - yelled at by some misinformed creep Top_ra10

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Crying Re: Ugh - yelled at by some misinformed creep

Post by Guest Thu Aug 09 2012, 17:40

yes it will Lori ! I promise you !

and as for the little twerp that made that comment... well he was just a moron...I hope he gave Jellybean some of his sandwiches after a comment like that !


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Crying Re: Ugh - yelled at by some misinformed creep

Post by janey Thu Aug 09 2012, 18:10

Jelly will get it but you do need to be 100% behind her training Smile

I often spend the day down the park (today lol) and get accosted quite regularly by peoples dogs, I don't mind at all but I am a dog person lol.

The child comment was unneeded but, I get where they are coming from.

Keep up with the recall trainign and you'll get there.

When I first got Moo (10mnths ish) she was a picnic pup lol, happened twice and no bother, now her recall is great, we had a family nearby today, Moo couldn't care less, well apart from once but thats because the kid nicked her frisbee lol!!

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Crying Re: Ugh - yelled at by some misinformed creep

Post by Guest Thu Aug 09 2012, 18:10

Take heart, with patience and consistant training it all does get better. However, dealing with the breed predjudice that you all have to deal with is another matter.


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Crying Re: Ugh - yelled at by some misinformed creep

Post by Kathy Thu Aug 09 2012, 18:54

It's OK things certainly will get better, I am currently thinking this with Rocky. He has calmed down considerably in the last couple of months.

Some people are just out to cause trouble for others, they were not doing any harm simply being friendly and doing what puppys do, playing. Some people.................

Last edited by kathytake2 on Thu Aug 09 2012, 19:02; edited 1 time in total
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Crying Re: Ugh - yelled at by some misinformed creep

Post by Guest Thu Aug 09 2012, 19:00

Jelly is only 6 months old and finds everything and everyone irresistible. You really do need to put in the training and age has something to do it too IMO. Charlie's recall wasn't great until he was about a year old and even then he had selective hearing. Its only been 100% for the last 6 months or so, so when he hit about 18 months and started to mature.


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Crying Re: Ugh - yelled at by some misinformed creep

Post by Girly Thu Aug 09 2012, 19:37

oh yes i'm 100% behind her training, I just can't do it 100% of my day LOL and I do understand people not liking dogs but to be so rude... i just hope it gets better
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Crying Re: Ugh - yelled at by some misinformed creep

Post by Taryn Thu Aug 09 2012, 20:12

thats ok, i have had people call romeo a monster to my face and he is so sweet... but he IS a food theif so i have to watch him Laughing
dont worry, owning a staff... you get a rather thick skin, and i think in the end you become more dangerous then the dog XD
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