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terrorized Empty terrorized

Post by Taryn Thu Jul 19 2012, 19:32

so... Me and Romeo went to the dog park, and the normal dogs where there, Romeo was having a lovely time with this young pitbull girl running around when BOOM! this larger shepard cross charges Romeo and pins him, snarling and barking snapping his teeth, so i run on over, stomp on the ground rather hard and yell at the other dog POIS! (it means AWAY!) and it runs off, leaving Romeo all fluffed up and trotting around me. So they go back to play and this other dog goes on to attack sevral other dogs as well and then the owners leave.
That was the ok part...
the bad part was when Papu, a Jack Russell X i think came in.
At first it was all fine and dandy, but then the JR came up to Romeo, who mind you was minding his own, bared his teeth and then Romeo went to turn away and then it was on. The JR looked like it was the devil or something. Now Romeo is normally rather submissive... but apparently today was the day he put his paw donw, because if i had not grabbed him and snatched him up off the gound, Romeo would have done some real damage or worse, because he was intent of taking a chunk out of this dog.
The JR danced all around me snarling and ripping my legs up since i was wearing shorts and then the owner tried to catch him, but he was rather slippery. so for about a minute i have this snarling snapping staff in my arms and have this Jack Russell dancing and tearing into me while his owner tried to catch him. when it was all over i put romeo on his lead on the ground and then the JR came back and started to sniff Romeo's butt and well then it was on again and again the JR started it although Romeo was looking a might bit nervous as it sniffed him.
This dog was ...loco.... it nipped me a few times trying to get at Romeo.
So i ended up leaving. now i have dried bloody down my legs and some nice bruises starting up. Romeo has a superfisial puncture under his back leg, but other then that he's fine

Little to say....
Not happy.
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by janey Thu Jul 19 2012, 19:37

I would have been livid at the owner!
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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Guest Thu Jul 19 2012, 19:42

I wouldn't have been happy either, and both owners would've had quite a mouthful from me!

Hope there's no lasting damage to either of you. Sad


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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Kathy Thu Jul 19 2012, 19:44

Jack Russell Terroriser again, what is it with them.

People think they dont have to train a small dog but of course they do, they always seem to me to start these things every time. Maybe it's just me though.

Hope Romeo will be OK, did he have any veterinary treatment ? If he has a puncture wound there is a risk of infection, hope it's OK though.

Sounds like you need a good stiff drink Taryn or a good cuppa. Take care and try to avoid the little bugger in future.
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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Guest Thu Jul 19 2012, 19:48

so when you say the jrt ripped into your legs and the owner stilllet him wander around ?????????? unbelievable


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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Taryn Thu Jul 19 2012, 19:54

no the wound was super small, not even deep, just a nick, so i just disinfected it for him, there was more damage done to me then him.
what i hope is, after getting attacked twice and seeing him really try and attack back on the second go... worries me, i dont want Romeo to get DA since he is such a happy chap when he plays with other dogs and i dont want that taken from him
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Taryn Thu Jul 19 2012, 19:57

Dave wrote:so when you say the jrt ripped into your legs and the owner stilllet him wander around ?????????? unbelievable

she made him lay down, but he only stayed there for about 20sec before he was off after Romeo again who was standing next to me on his lead by then.
I was a bit annoyed since you know... being a scatching post for a dog is no fun... and i was there first
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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Guest Thu Jul 19 2012, 20:22

How awful for you Taryn.. Dont be too upset. Even the most laid back, non-agressive dog has to defend themselves sometime. I saw that side of Tyson once when he was about 7 months and he defended himself angainst an EBT. I can say so far it seems to have been a once of thing. He is regularly snapped at by an old lady JRT who has at times been hanging on his lip and he never retaliates. Just shrugs it off. Guess he just cant be bothered.


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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Guest Thu Jul 19 2012, 20:27

Y'know I get this all the time. Smaller dogs totally out of control. They snap & bark, but dart about under & around Demps. To be fair, he usually just spins around to keep facing them (he won't have a dog behind him). Occasionally he'll have enough & then all hell breaks loose! But it hasn't changed his attitude to other, friendly dogs.


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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Taryn Thu Jul 19 2012, 20:54

thats good to hear, i do hope it doesnt change his thoughts on other dogs. so over being attacked though. why take your dog to a dog park if they are going to attack the other dogs?
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Guest Thu Jul 19 2012, 21:03

Ugh i hate that. I hate how people think just because its small they don't have to train it at all. I HATE owners that are so stupid to just let it go on about its business like it owns the world. I would be reporting them to the police for having a dangerous dog.


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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Andy Thu Jul 19 2012, 21:08

Yeah he should be fine I would guess as he's ok with other dogs to start with Wink ... it was a similar thing that was enough to "ruin" my old staff Zac, and try as I may, he just never forgot the quick ruffing up he had when he was about 11mths old at wits end Crying or Very sad .. and was very DA from that day on pretty much Sad

I am paranoid about it now with Max, he is such a playful bouncy kinda dog, I never want him to change Love Struck ... but the the two breeds that I always dread seeing off lead are JRT's, and Boarder Collies !! they always seem to want a scrap with him doh
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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Taryn Thu Jul 19 2012, 21:25

JRT, mini poodles and dachshunds are my no.1 offenders. i was so suprised to see how man dog agressive dachshunds where here in the city. when i had my dachshunds he was such a mellow fellow.
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Ben Thu Jul 19 2012, 21:33

Good thing is didn't get worse. I tend to lose it in situations like that and I might have threatened the owner to let my dog eat their * dog. Sorry about that and good for you keeping Romeo safe. at wits end
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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Guest Thu Jul 19 2012, 22:16

I would have been upset the first time but would have let the handler have it the second time around. Glad you are both okay.


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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Buster's_Mum Fri Jul 20 2012, 10:34

I'm sorry to hear about this. I hope you are both ok now. >Big Grin<

I dread the day Buster decides to fight back. He has had a few dogs snapping and growling at him (while he is onlead - he is very rarely off) but I have been able to put a stop to anything pretty much straight away - although Buster stands there waging his tail and puts up with it (I don't think he understands dogs body language or growling Rolling Eyes ) I have to say though that LuLu is little, and she is the one I am more worried about! She will not go over and start on a dog (and if the other dog is onlead I always call her back and put her onlead) but she will stand up for herself and won't take any messing off another dog! I think little dogs deffinatly have attitude problems!
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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Guest Fri Jul 20 2012, 12:51

I wouldn't take him to dog parks any more. The other dogs are too unpredictable and you don't want them to ruin Romo's good temperament. I would, instead, set up play dates with dogs that he gets along with. After 2 attacks on Saxon, tht is what I have done.


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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by bobs Fri Jul 20 2012, 13:00

We too have trouble with the smaller breeds. There is a chiwowa (I know I can't spell it but you know what I mean), two king charles and severl JR's that want to have a pop at Sophie.

A colleage of mine has a yorkie that he affectionaltely calls it the Yorkshire Terroroist. Probably quite appropriate as it has seriously bitten at least two people that I know of Surprised

Needless to say, it will not be coming into contact with Sophie applause
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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by jshrew Fri Jul 20 2012, 15:16

How awful and yet very similar to an incident I put on here last week that rat just kept coming back at Ledger and bit his owner as they tried to take him away, the same dog is often in the window barking every time we go by but since last week it is now making a really effort to get through the window the 'thud' you hear I'm amazed it hasn't knocked itself out!
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terrorized Empty Re: terrorized

Post by Taryn Fri Jul 20 2012, 19:27

I know so few people with dogs that its hard to set up some kind of play date. we do know a lovely staff called Matilda, but her owner like me works alot and lives on the other side of the city... its such a pain, i'm going to have to be more careful.
i think people are idiots if they bring their DA dosg to parks. i mean its all and well if there is no one there, go ahead, you dog desirves to get out... but when there are other people there, and you know your dog is agressive...WHY!? theer is a HUGE sign next to the park that actually states all the rules... but pffft, apparently no one follows them, and i was in the BIG dog yard, this JR was very small... why was he in the big dog yard he should have been in the small.
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