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Post by crystel Tue Jul 03 2012, 13:35

Hi guys would really appreciate some help on this.
I was out with my two today we saw a couple of dogs that we know quite well one is a 9mnth old male springer the other a 9yr old terrier cross collie they often run up and start dominating Ava who is 5mnths my skye who is 6 doesn,t like other dogs but she runs with her ball and always keeps out of things unless anohter dogs actually starts on her.
I noticed this dominace was getting abit out of hand with both of the other dogs growling and nipping and had ava pinned too the floor she had submitted, but i went too rescue her as she looked like she had enough, before i knew what happen my skye had flown at the adult dog and had it pinned by the head, she would not let go the other dog was crying and it took me actually prying her jaws open too get her off, then she tried too chase the dog off, she has NEVER done this before i know she was protecting the pup and obviously picked up something from the pup cos it was the adult she went for, thankfully the othe rdog wasn,t really hurt and the guy came back over as i have known him for 15yrs and said not too worry he knows skye isn,t aggressive and it was really his dogs fault as he should have controlled them and get them off my pup first.
Firstly my fear was how skye chased after the other dog wanting more, and then she went into a high state of anxiety biting my sleeve etc which she does often when shes nervous, but i am now seriously considering a muzzle for her maybe one i could just put on if i sense trouble any advice please help, I am a trainer but she is my baby so i want some outside opnions thanks Sad also just an unrelated extra she has been trying too dominate and hump the pup even thought they are both females she never hurts ava infact its all part of the game but i am wondering if shes trying too reind her pack place etc x
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Post by Guest Tue Jul 03 2012, 13:44

The guy admitted his dogs were at fault. He should have got them off ava WAY before this, dogs playing and rollling around together is acceptable but dominating is not. He should have stepped in.

As for skye, she was protecting pup. she doesnt usually bother with them i would just keep her on a long lead for the next few times she goes out and observe, muzzles don't do anything but make a dog that feels it needs to defend its family more anxious!

And in future tell anyone whos dogs dominate ava to get them away


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Post by Guest Tue Jul 03 2012, 14:06

sounds like good advice to me Smile


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Post by crystel Tue Jul 03 2012, 14:14

Thanks Equi I am glad the guy did take responsibility it happend so fast bt he has known skye since she was a pup and she has never done this before and the two dogs were being roung with Ava for about 10mins before this happened, the muzzle idea was more for her other problem of jumping up and grabbing at my clothes i have never used them in 36yrs of owning staffies, but she has always done this when she get nervous and i,ve tried every training techinque, but this time cos she was so hyped after this incident she wouldn,t stop!
I will keep dogs away from her now but want ava too socialise its tough Sad
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Post by Kathy Tue Jul 03 2012, 14:21

crystel wrote:I will keep dogs away from her now but want ava too socialise its tough Sad

I know exactly what you mean. It's hard finding dog friends for them to play with and owners that you can trust too.

Socialisation is so important
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Post by Guest Tue Jul 03 2012, 23:00

I think the behaviour was natural as well and would concur with keeping her on a long lead when around other dogs. Do you know any other experienced hadlers with an older and well socialized dog?


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Post by Ted 04 Thu Jul 05 2012, 19:19

Hi Crystal, first of can i just say its my first time ever on here. I know exactly where you are coming from. My Ted is a 4yr old male and 99% of the time is very well behaved when being walked in the park, seeing as he knows nearly all of the dogs in the park that does help. Saying that when a few friends started walking there puppies in the park, after Ted getting to know them some other dogs have come over and done what"s happened with you, towering over them and being very domineering towards them, and when the puppy try"s to move or get away they start to get aggressive towards them. I always say to the owner to take control of there dog as its scaring the puppy, then you hear back, no they are only playing. My Ted is never happier than when he has two balls in his mouth running around and chasing crows, but when he see"s this going on he storms over and goes straight into the aggressive dog, now may i add Ted is very well trained by myself lol but seriously when he is in that mind set he don"t listen to me. Normally its just a load of barking and a move away kinda warning, but on one occasion he had a fight with a German Shepard, thankfully both dogs were not hurt. But when i said to the other owner, you can not let your dog be like that with puppies, as this can happen. Keep away from these dogs if you can, but dogs being dogs it could happen again, the quicker its stopped by both owners the better it is. Sadly because of the horrible reputation Staffies have its always thrown in our faces how our dogs breed is vicious and dangerous, sad but true.

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Post by crystel Thu Jul 05 2012, 19:29

Ted 04 wrote:Hi Crystal, first of can i just say its my first time ever on here. I know exactly where you are coming from. My Ted is a 4yr old male and 99% of the time is very well behaved when being walked in the park, seeing as he knows nearly all of the dogs in the park that does help. Saying that when a few friends started walking there puppies in the park, after Ted getting to know them some other dogs have come over and done what"s happened with you, towering over them and being very domineering towards them, and when the puppy try"s to move or get away they start to get aggressive towards them. I always say to the owner to take control of there dog as its scaring the puppy, then you hear back, no they are only playing. My Ted is never happier than when he has two balls in his mouth running around and chasing crows, but when he see"s this going on he storms over and goes straight into the aggressive dog, now may i add Ted is very well trained by myself lol but seriously when he is in that mind set he don"t listen to me. Normally its just a load of barking and a move away kinda warning, but on one occasion he had a fight with a German Shepard, thankfully both dogs were not hurt. But when i said to the other owner, you can not let your dog be like that with puppies, as this can happen. Keep away from these dogs if you can, but dogs being dogs it could happen again, the quicker its stopped by both owners the better it is. Sadly because of the horrible reputation Staffies have its always thrown in our faces how our dogs breed is vicious and dangerous, sad but true.
Hi Thank you so much for taking your time too message me, I have had staffies for years, but this throw me as Skye knows these dogs quite well and the female terrier cross who was the adult is one of those in your face dogs and skye normally ignores her, so caught me off guard as it wasnt the first time these two dogs had been abit full on with Ava my pup, she didn,t even really fight just lunged got a firm grip on the dogs head and wouldn,t let go..!! It was a real showing the dog whos boss moment!! But i do understand why she did it and will not let them dogs be around ava again, as the owner wouldn,t control the situation, Thankful today i friend came over with her dogs and they played nicely with Ava and Skye was fine so that helped alot, Anyway welcome too the site its a great place we would love too see some pictures of Ted he sounds great x
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Post by Ben Thu Jul 05 2012, 19:39

Totally normal with dogs that bond to each other like Skye and Ava. They will read each other and do what it takes to protect them when they feel they are threatened (they'd do the same for you). It is normal multi-dog behavior and why it is much harder to take multiples from the same house to play at a dog park etc. I wouldn't think Skye is developing aggression at all, she is simply bonding to Ava. You do need to keep an especially sharp eye on Skye's body language when you are out playing and Ava is interacting with other dogs. Glad the owner of the other dogs understood it was his problem and not Skye.
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Post by crystel Thu Jul 05 2012, 19:50

bbimson wrote:Totally normal with dogs that bond to each other like Skye and Ava. They will read each other and do what it takes to protect them when they feel they are threatened (they'd do the same for you). It is normal multi-dog behavior and why it is much harder to take multiples from the same house to play at a dog park etc. I wouldn't think Skye is developing aggression at all, she is simply bonding to Ava. You do need to keep an especially sharp eye on Skye's body language when you are out playing and Ava is interacting with other dogs. Glad the owner of the other dogs understood it was his problem and not Skye.
Thanks for your message, it all makes perfect sense the Skye has some behavioural problems which tend too come from nerves, so i am normally really sharp with reading her, but ava has had about 4 meets with these dogs and being a typical staffie pup won,t give up she kept running back for more!!! This time the adult dog was being a real bully and just kept barking n nipping ava, skye was happy playing with her ball and gave me no sign what so ever before she flow, she obviously picked up an energy off Ava before i did x
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