So proud of the boys!

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So proud of the boys! Empty So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 15:33

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

I'm so happy with the boys today can't stop smiling!

Anyway i guess your wondering why Wink

Well today i'd forgot it was the heeley festival which is just down the road from us rolleyes so i dropped the OH at work and decided to try taking the pair for a walk round it to get some socialising especially for Chance, who it was a double effort for: over excitement at seeing dogs and huge crowds of people and kids (which he erm doesn't like)

Now normally me and the OH take a boy each as when Chance has a moment he's a very strong dog to hold on his own never mind with holding Harv at the same time, but thought i'd risk it.

Now with Chance I use two leads, a normal one and then at the same time i use one of those traffic leads/handle so he can't get a good pull and has to stay with me, while i just walk Harv normally.

Anyway this festival is always MEGA busy! lots of dogs and the thing that p*sses me off is (and no i'm not racist) but lots of indian kids running up and screaming and barking in Chance's face angry which is why for safeties sake i went with his muzzle on, as i know whos fault it would be, especially with a police officer on every corner.

Anyway I couldn't be more proud of how they both behaved, Chance had one little crying and jumping around moment when he saw a little JR but soon calmed down, so had a good walk round and sat next to the main arena to watch the 'world go by' so to speak. We did get a lot of parents grab or pick up their kids at the sight of us.... BUT alot purposely came over to ask if their kids could say hello to Harv (not so much Chance) and of course Harv LOVES kids! so he sat nicely, no jumping up, although a few kids got a quick snog Rolling Eyes people took photos, and said i was such a responsible owner.

So the boys had a lovely big bowl of goodies for tea Wink and i think that it did some good to show that staffies etc aren't all evil dogs that will eat your kids!

Oh since i've waffled a photo for you all!

So proud of the boys! 552865_10151857201550611_1196281880_n


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Galadriel Sat Jun 23 2012, 15:38

That's great! Big Grin I'd be buzzing too!

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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 16:02

Well done Harvey and Chance thumbs up
Sounds like that was a great day. It really does make a nice change when people come over and want to pat the dogs. I know what you mean about kids doing that, I've had it a few times and Millie gets really nervous of it, standing on her back legs. I always worry she might knock the kids over.
Great pic of them, the weather looks gorgeous there Smile


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by crystel Sat Jun 23 2012, 16:08

Well done boys i would be proud of them too Ella a situation like that could be a distraction for the best trained dog, its great that chance was well behaved and that people saw them and you in a really positive light, i am often saying too people i have trained my dog can you please train your children...!!!
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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 16:13

Haha thanks!

Yer kids these days don't seem to have any idea how to behave round dogs and the parents just don't care


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 16:18

and the boys all full and tired now Big Grin

So proud of the boys! 282661_10151857341465611_378715237_n


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by crystel Sat Jun 23 2012, 16:23

I know we was always taught how too behave and approach dogs all of that has gone out of the window the amount of kids that run screaming towards my dogs and the parents do nothing, AH bless your boys they are gorgeous are they both american bull dogs?
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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 16:25

Great feel good story Ella. Well done Harvey & Chance


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 16:32

crystel wrote:I know we was always taught how too behave and approach dogs all of that has gone out of the window the amount of kids that run screaming towards my dogs and the parents do nothing, AH bless your boys they are gorgeous are they both american bull dogs?

No only Chance is, harvs a staff and ALOT smaller then Chance Smile


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by crystel Sat Jun 23 2012, 16:42

Thats what a thought in the pictures they are both gorgeous boys and look really close too x
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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 16:44

Thanks, yer they are very very close and hate to be separated


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by crystel Sat Jun 23 2012, 16:57

My two are like that now really bonded i am have real trouble seperating them lol
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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 17:06

aww Smile Chance is a very 'special' dog Wink but once very much dependent on harv from day one


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 18:48

great day for you and the boys Smile


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Kathy Sat Jun 23 2012, 19:01

Thanks Ella it sounds like you all had a great day.

No wonder you are very proud of them both for very well behaved around the little ones who can be a much at the best of times.

Rocky had a good day today too, despite the fact he was attacked a few days ago but the scars on his head are starting to heal up now and I think he will be OK.

He made a real fuss of some ladies over at the park, which he loves to do.
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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 19:35

Thanks Big Grin


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 19:42

Well done Harvey & Chance, they did really well!

I love Harvey's face in that last pic! Love Struck


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:22

Well done boys thumbs up
Great to hear you all had a great day


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Irene Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:36

Sounds like they were very good boys - lovely pictures Smile

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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 22:45

So glad that the day went so well for you and the boys


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23 2012, 23:24

thanks Big Grin


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Taryn Sun Jun 24 2012, 14:59

congrats to your lovely gentlemen Big Grin
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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by janey Sun Jun 24 2012, 15:08

What a feel good read! Smile
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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Sun Jun 24 2012, 16:52

Thanks Big Grin


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Mon Jun 25 2012, 19:27

Good job, boys!


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Ben Mon Jun 25 2012, 19:52

Great to hear! What goodies did you give em? Big Grin They look snookered out!
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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Mon Jun 25 2012, 19:53

Big bowl of tripe and pigs tails Wink


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Ben Mon Jun 25 2012, 19:56

ella wrote:Big bowl of tripe and pigs tails Wink

Oh, heavenly for them. Wish I could get pig tails. I need to find a good butcher here.
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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

Post by Guest Mon Jun 25 2012, 22:25

You sure do!


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So proud of the boys! Empty Re: So proud of the boys!

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