Stupid Woman

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Stupid Woman Empty Stupid Woman

Post by Tys mummy Tue Dec 21 2010, 13:50

Rite just need some were to have a rant so here goes!
Today took my Ty for a walk in the park on his lead as its his morning walk and out of nowhere appeard this huge Staffy off its lead, it came bounding at me and Ty full pelt looked at ty had a tiny sniff and decided he didnt like him so started to attack my poor baby who was still on his lead. Its owner was nowhere to be seen so I interveined and grabbed this other dog by its coller and pulled it off Ty dont know how I managed it with only 1 hand but did next thing I know the owner a lady in her late 50s I would say comes storming over to me and asks why I have hold of her dog so I told her. The bint replys let go of my dog or I will call the police! By this time I was absolutly seathing I was always told to respect my elders but this lady got 1 hell of a tongue lashin from me and looked at me shocked as if to say that was uncalled for. In my fiery rant I told her to get her dog on its lead which she did. I calmed myself down and continued our walk only to turn around and see she had let it off again I mean come on sort your bloody head out lady your dog is obveiously a nasty piece of work to attack for no reason what so ever Ty didnt even growl at him or anything. I got out of the park and checked Ty who was shaking like there was no tomorrow poor little bugger glad to say that after his ordeal the little man came out of it without even a scratch lucky because if he had of been hurt I would have been straight up the station to make a complaint. But this lady if I see her again I will not be a very happy chappy!!!! angry angry angry
Rite rant over I now feel alot better for getting that off my chest thank you x
Tys mummy
Tys mummy
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

Status Status :

Age : 36
Location : Wirral
Dogs Name(s) : Ty
Dog(s) Ages : 3 Years
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2010-12-01
Support total : 4
Posts : 540

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Stupid Woman Empty Re: Stupid Woman

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21 2010, 20:58

Had something simular with my dog about 3 months ago. It is anoying when it's obvious the other dog isn't dog friendly. This pitbull went for Blue and Blue just looked at me with these sad eyes, like help me. I chased the dog away but it is upsetting. In a strange sort about way it's like watching someone try and attack your son/daughter. I was fuming and was same as you. I said a few words to the dogs owner. Hands up I only said words and not battered because the owner was a woman, otherwise they would of been picking them out of the canal Laughing


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Stupid Woman Empty Re: Stupid Woman

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21 2010, 21:17

I think most of us have had something like that happen - irresponsible owners who think it's everybody else's job to look out for other people's dogs.

Sad people!


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