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Ggggrrrrr...... Empty Ggggrrrrr......

Post by Buster's_Mum Tue Apr 24 2012, 14:51

I went dog training last night and sat next to a woman with a german sheperd pup. She reluctantly sat next to me (there was no where else left to sit) and to start with kept her dog on a very short lead. After a while she asked if Buster was a staffy, to which I said yes. After about 15/20 mins she seemed to relax a bit and was stroking Buster and letting her dog say hello. She was saying how nice and friendly he was. I said that most are, only a few that are brought up wrong that give them a bad name and then she was saying that she gets people who are scared of her dog because of the breed even though hers is friendly too. It annoys me when people know it is to do with how you bring a dog up (german sheperd owners and other breeds like that as they have all been in the press and given a bad name at some point) but still dont like Buster purely because he is a staffy.

When I brought Buster home my friends boyfriend told her that she wasnt to come to my house again (her boy and my eldest are the same age and play together alot) because I have a staffy and it will bite someone!! angry I feel so sorry for such a fantastic breed that ignorant people are writing off straight away because of a few things in papers. When I have taken Buster out he has never even looked at a person or dog wrong - I have lost count of the amount of dogs that have growled or snapped at him though - but its ok cos their dog is only little, etc. If it were the other way round, or Buster snapped back all hell would break loose!

Sorry, rant over. Blushing
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Ggggrrrrr...... Top_ra10

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Location : Worcestershire
Dogs Name(s) : Buster, LuLu (chinese crested)
Dog(s) Ages : 10 months, 3 1/2 yrs
Dog Gender(s) : Male, Female
Join date : 2012-04-19
Support total : 9
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Ggggrrrrr...... Empty Re: Ggggrrrrr......

Post by linzy Tue Apr 24 2012, 15:31

It does my head in when other dogs have a go at Violet! Violet just sits and looks at them, then looks at me as if 'whats going on?'. If Violet was an aggressive dog though, or if I was the kind of person who raised an aggressive dog, the little ones would end up snapped in half! Do these owners not realise that by allowing their dogs to act like that, they are putting them into a lot of danger?!

I'm so sick of having to walk on the road because a dog is going off it's head all over the pavement at Violet, and equally as sick of people letting their dogs have a go and not even acknowledging it!

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Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Ggggrrrrr...... Empty Re: Ggggrrrrr......

Post by Guest Tue Apr 24 2012, 18:11

I agree guys x


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Ggggrrrrr...... Empty Re: Ggggrrrrr......

Post by looby Thu Apr 26 2012, 11:26

Tell your friends boyfriend that if he is going to make such horrible comments he should get his facts straight and do the research, does he know they are known as 'nanny dogs' they don't get that name for no reason. Also has he looked at the stats for dog bites in this country because I could tell him staffies dont even come in top 10 neither do any of the supposed 'dangerous' dogs.

Know whats number 1 culprit....dashunds! yup little dogs now theres a suprise!

peoples ignorance is the biggest problem and people like that need re-educating in their judgmental beliefs, probably passed down to them from their parents and then they will pass it to their kids....where's it going to end.

We should all be striving, and having read a lot of posts on here it seems we all are, to make our staff's the best god damn advertisment for the breed and change these misrepresentations people and the bloody media have.

sorry lol makes me mad

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Ggggrrrrr...... Empty Re: Ggggrrrrr......

Post by Buster's_Mum Thu Apr 26 2012, 13:15

My friends boyfriend knows exactly what I think to his small minded views! He is scared of dogs, which is fair enough. I don't expect him to be friendly with Buster, he never has to see him, but telling his girlfriend that she cannot bring her son round to play with mine is just stupid. She has tried telling him, but he is stubborn and wont listen. Honestly, he needs to worry more about my chinese crested more than Buster!

I took Buster to my Nan's a few weeks ago. She was fussing him and he was playing with her dog (a german shepherd that looks like a huge bear! Lol) and then she asked what breed he was. As soon as I told her her face dropped and she said "what, one of those nasty ones?" I was shocked at her response as most of the dogs she's ever had have at some point been in the press having bad things said, and hers were always fine. I am glad to say though that she has now said she had never met one before, but thinks they are lovely dogs and really friendly.

Alot of people comment on Buster because of his colourings. Every one that stops and asks about him I let him greet, so hopefully a few more people will realise it is not the dogs that are bad. Unfortunatly there will always be the people that don't want to hear any different to what they read in the papers though.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Ggggrrrrr...... Top_ra10

Status Status :

Location : Worcestershire
Dogs Name(s) : Buster, LuLu (chinese crested)
Dog(s) Ages : 10 months, 3 1/2 yrs
Dog Gender(s) : Male, Female
Join date : 2012-04-19
Support total : 9
Posts : 361

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