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Help! Empty Help!

Post by Staffy lover Fri Apr 13 2012, 12:09

As some of you will know, Pixee has conjunctivis, she has been on eye drops since tuesday. Yesterday the problems started, I couldnt hold her still to get the drops in, was a real nightmare, somehow I mangered the morning one. Had to get hubby to hold her last night, but only managed to get the left eye, which was the worse one. Tried again this moring, to no vaid. She is so stubborn, and wont hold still! Not ever with hubby holding her, she squeezes her eyes shut so tight, and when I do get one open, she moves her head so I keep missing. Any advice? I was told to give the drops for a week, its only been 3 days. And I can say her left eye is not ozing with that yellow stuff. But...........................
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Help! Empty Re: Help!

Post by Guest Fri Apr 13 2012, 12:11

while sleeping? while being fed treats cooked meat preferable, massage around her eyes while she is calm without the drops so she gets used to you playing around and touching around her eyes


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Help! Empty Re: Help!

Post by Guest Fri Apr 13 2012, 12:13

If we have to apply ear or eye drops we always do it while she is asleep and one at a time.


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Help! Empty Re: Help!

Post by Staffy lover Fri Apr 13 2012, 12:18

Ok, I will try that. She has been on her morning walk, and is asleep in the conney, so will try just the massage for now. And see how it goes, when she next sleeps, later this afternoon after her second walk. Thanks Big Grin
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Help! Empty Re: Help!

Post by Guest Fri Apr 13 2012, 12:22

A muzzel with Ty oddly seemed to calm him.....


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Help! Empty Re: Help!

Post by Guest Fri Apr 13 2012, 12:25

I would try it while she is sleeping. When Millie had them I tried to get the drop into the inner corner of the eye and when she blinked it spread across the eye.


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Help! Empty Re: Help!

Post by Rebecca Fri Apr 13 2012, 12:37

We had the same problem with Cali he hated the drops so much he would try and hide everywhere and anywhere but then a lady at the dog park recommended using a cream instead, the one i use is called "Terra cortril" (this is brought where i live in spain) but it is so much easier to wipe across the eye he is so much more responsive to this treatment, im sure you can find a similar product where you live, well its just a suggestion and i hope it helps.
I hope Pixee's eyes get better Smile
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Help! Empty Re: Help!

Post by janey Fri Apr 13 2012, 18:40

I think I am very fortunate that Moo will let me do anything to her, eyes, ears, paws, I just have made sure since getting her I handle her all over so she hasn't a fear. Now she will just sit still when the drops come out (ears usually!)

If you can't do it whilst she is sleeping I have always found holding them between your knees, that way you have control of the body and can use your hands freely.

Good luck and I hope it clears up soon Xx
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Help! Empty Re: Help!

Post by Guest Fri Apr 13 2012, 18:48

Let us know how you get on and good luck


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Help! Empty Re: Help!

Post by Staffy lover Wed Apr 18 2012, 15:47

Well sadly, Pixee had her radar on high when a sleep the little madam, so that was out the question. I ended up having to go back to the vets, cos after 3 days, I just couldnt get any more in! Ever hubby holding her, she is so stubborn and strong. And they didnt clear up. I have now got liquid drops with steriods in. But hear this first, on arriving at vets, Pixee saw the door and refused to move, she also almost got out of her harness, so I ended up having to pick up her, boy her weight, phew Tongues , and to make matters worse the stupid doors had to be pulled outwards, so holding her in one arm, while fighting to open the door too! Once in, she started to shake, so I held her on my laps talking to her, until she was called in, then she hid under the chair at wits end . The vet nurse tried to coax her out with tipbits to no valid. then the vet came out herself, lifted the chair off out the way, and poor pixee started to shake ever more. I had to pick her up and carry her in. I explained everything, so they suggested the liquid drops, where I dont have to pry her eyes open for the white bit, and just squeeze them in from above her eye. The vet did the first eye, Pixee was good as gold, until the second eye, Rolling Eyes , Pixee started to struggle! The vet put one hand on the eye just done, which suprised Pixee and she managed to get the other eye done. I was told, if I had problems getting the drops in, to just bring her up and the nurse would help. Any how, so far so good, we have managed today. Just tonight and another 3 days Crying or Very sad to do yet. I have to admit they are doing the job, her eyes are not ozing pus now. And are looking lovely again today. So fingers cross. Generally, if she sees no drops, she will let me stoke her eyes, but the min she sees the eye drops shes off trying to hide Sad . It does upset me, but its for her own good. She gets a few treats after so hopefully it clicks, those toffee choc biscults which she never gets, is what she gets after eye drops. Big Grin thanks all for the advice Smile
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