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Post by Guest Mon Mar 12 2012, 13:16

Just a few things that were in the news this week that caught my eyeball:

Frankie coccoza still in the news. Why won't this cretin go away?

Eastenders stars torso was found and her brother was arrested. This didn't really make the news anywhere, but i heard about it. Sad that it wasn't more widely known, but everyone knows what breed, age and name of Kate Middletons new dog. In fact i believe this made the front page.

A teen in Iraq was stoned to death because the music he listened to (Emo) was considered devil worship. How backwards is that. They don't seem to be able to be content with anything, yet are constantly saying they want peace on earth. Peace according to who?

I was very interested in Katie Prices piece on the government and disabled people being made redundant. She made some great remarks, like how special schools are supposed to be free for those who can't pay but really need it...but because it costs £25k a year they don't tell anyone about that and make it really really hard to get into. This means a lot of able disabled can't get the education they deserve, which can lead to them getting a job. Yet spongers and immigrants get more than that to sit on their * and do nothing but breed. Yes, the recent closure of a disabled working place was making a loss, and in this economic crisis thats what most businesses would do, but im glad they had a chance to work and hope they get other jobs else where.

Another bit she did was about a model saying she was exhausted from sitting on a train, Katie said "you would know exhausted if you got up every morning to look after the kids, did a shift in tesco and had to clean the house" because thats what Katie herself does -rolls eyes-

Another lavish gypsy wedding made the news. What i want to know is how a part time builder and a 17 year old can afford to pay 100s of 1000s of pounds on weddings, when their parents don't work either?

Also everyone knows about the 6 soldiers lost. Such a sad loss, i just hope this war is over soon. It's been set back greatly by the fault of an american -ahem- but i hope too many more don't die because of his extremist actions. But it shows the difference of us and them, they seem to condone extremists and hold them as heroes, we condemn them wholly, or at least most of us do.

EDIT to add,
Northern Ireland SPCA has been working hard to track and persicute badger baiters. This is a good move in my book. Badgers are killed for no reason by people who live in urban areas because they feel hard and think they are doing someone a favour, some actually kill badgers then go to the houses nearby and demand money from the farmers for killing the "pests". they do this with rabbits too. There are no rabbits left in my area and the local buzzards are dying off now too. They are absolutely not helping anyone, this is just pure animal cruelty. Im not a huge fan of the USPCA cause i think they could do more but im glad they have been tracking these scumbags.

Story of the week:
Dodger the beaten staffie doing better with his sight returned.
Dodgers story!


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Post by shakespearesdog Mon Mar 12 2012, 13:44

but everyone knows what breed, age and name of Kate Middletons new dog. In fact i believe this made the front page.
It was on the front page of the OK magazine! Its a black spaniel. Laughing I saw it in Sainsburys and said 'TYPICAL' really loudly and made a man behind me jump. Why can't she get an interesting, less stereotypical dog? I mean i'm not expecting her to get a neopoliton mastiff but it would have been great publicity if she had gone to a rescue centre and picked out a dog-imagine that! Or at least got some interesting breed like a shar pei or something. Tongues
A teen in Iraq was stoned to death because the music he listened to (Emo) was considered devil worship. How backwards is that. They don't seem to be able to be content with anything, yet are constantly saying they want peace on earth. Peace according to who?
I can well believe that to be honest. I was bullied at school for five years because I listened to rock and metal music (this was before emo existed lol) I had bottles and cans thrown at me, people smashing into me in corridors, the whole school calling me names like 'freak' and 'devil worshipper'.
And this was in ENGLAND.


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Post by Guest Mon Mar 12 2012, 15:37

Its madness, why are people who listen to rap and trance not persecuted for being druggies and thugs or country singers not persecuted for being cruel to animals (the big rodeo debates!)

Just shows how much hate religion has instilled in humans.


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