Please meet Troy. The story so far...

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:01

[Not put in media as not solely pictures]

I picked up Troy today, a Staffy of 15 months from his previous owners at around 4:30pm. I felt bad on the drive back home as he was whimpering to go back to his old family Sad

He did settle down on the drive and stopped whimpering for a while but would start every now and again.

Got home for around 5pm or just after, not sure..and I took him for a long walk, maybe a hour or so which is when my GF got home. We took him in the house, left him run around and check all the rooms etc and take in his new surroundings. After 30 minutes or so I fed him. It was suggested to leave for about a hour before feeding, but he had not been fed all day by his previous owner so was starving.

He seems to be drinking a lot of water, so I have walked probably another 3 times since getting him home. He has done lots of pee's but no poops. While on walks I saw no other dogs or animals. He walked past men and woman fine, BUT kept trying to turn around and pull me in the direction of an asian lady behind us. He was not growling or anything like that, but the previous owner advised he does not like asian women for some reason but is fine with asian men!? What can I do about this?

For some reason, even after being in the house for some time and being walked a lot, he peed on my living room rug, not sure why as the previous owners advised he was house trained. I did read here from another member that their dog peed once and and once only in the house the day they got him. He didn't run around sniffing and Ccock his leg though, just went on the carpet out of nowhere so not sure what this could mean?

I gave him some toys to play with and a bone, he loves playing tug of war and me swinging him around etc. His temperment seems great, even when chewing on the bone he would let me pet him and take the bone. He would even come to me with it and chew it while in my lap. It seems that he likes having a lot of affection and is always coming for cuddles and reassurance.

He follows me wherever I go and his recall ain't bad, he comes to me when I call him in the house. He does like to follow other people around too though. Not sure if it's for security, being nosey, thinks they are going for treats or if he thinks they are leaving the house and taking him back to his previous owners Sad

So he seems great so far. The only negative things as of today...but yes it is VERY early, is the peeing on the carpet and when my brother and his GF came down, he growled at my brothers GF. However, I think this may of been our fault and not Troy's, as they simply knocked and walked into the house rather than me letting them in and reassuring Troy they were okay. So it was possibly a teratorial thing? Any advice on that would be great.

So, I told him NO and everyone sat down. He went and said hi to them, the patted him etc and all seemed fine. I played with him as normal and he chewed his bone as normal and didn't care they were there.

So they left and I have put him in the kitchen which is going to be is sleeping place. He has been whimpering and scratching at the door for like 15 minutes, but as I type this he appears to have stopped now and has hopefully gone to sleep! Feels really tight letting him cry...

I have to leave the house tomorrow for about 2-3 hours. Do you think he will be okay by himself with some chew toys and the radio on etc? It's Go Karting for my friends birthday which I totally forgot was tomorrow!

There are just a few concerns / questions I have, but here are some pictures first:

Please meet Troy. The story so far... 06
Please meet Troy. The story so far... 05
Please meet Troy. The story so far... 04
Please meet Troy. The story so far... 03
Please meet Troy. The story so far... 02
Please meet Troy. The story so far... 01

And had to upload this one. It's like he's saying 'touch this bone if you dare.

Please meet Troy. The story so far... 08

Now just a couple of potential concerns. Looking at the pictures it is hard to tell as they are not great, but do you think he could be a little under weight?

Secondly he has two small bald patches on the top of his head. Not as bad as pictures look. I looked on the internet and read it could be several things like:

Flea bite
Allergic reaction

I am going to book him into the vets for a once over, booster jabs and working etc but thought I would ask anyway. Here is a picture.

Please meet Troy. The story so far... 07

Thanks for reading if you got this far.

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Ben Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:09

Wow! He sure is a good looking lad. Gotta give him some time. Both mine peed for a little in the house. Moving is stressful for them. Remember, he has no idea what in the world is going on. I think you may have overdone the stimulation. Take it easy for a few days and let him settle and my guess is that everything will be ok. As for the asian thing, some dogs just have quirks but you can work with it once you get his trust and he settles down. Had one previously that didn't like people with dark skin. Super embarassing when some friends came over... Congrats on the new boy, he is grand!

I'd have the vet look at those spots. Seem a bit large. The previous owner didn't say anything about them? I personally go over my dogs daily to look for stuff.
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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:12

Thanks very much.

Hmm, yeah possibly but he seemed to enjoy the stimulation, it was as if it took his mind of his old home. I wanted to tire him too. My mistake.

Maybe visitors the same day was too much too. How much stimulation should I give him over the next few days, is it okay to play with him or not?

And what do you think about leaving him for 2-3 hours tomorrow? Sad

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Ben Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:22

Visitors is prob too much. Yes, go ahead and play. You want him to settle with you and learn what is normal. I've never left a dog I just brought home for a good few days. If it can't be avoided he will survive but try to wait another day if possible.
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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:25

Troy is a cute lil' dog. Love Struck the vet might take some skin scrapes from the bald spots, just to check it out. Herman did pee, just once, on a rug by the door, the morning after his first night at home. be sure to watch if he continues to eat, as a stressed dog won't eat. 2-3 hours might be a bit long, but that's just my opinion. hope all goes well. thanks for the pictures! Big Grin


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:27

Man...I really don't want to leave him. Totally forgot about the karting!

I am taking him on a long walk in the morning, will give him something to chew and leave a radio on etc. I feel really bad to consider leaving him alone so soon! My friends will never understand if I pull out. Worse thing is, its a surprise get together for one of my mates too! Seems like I'm not getting off to the greatest start. Don't like that at all, was totally not my intention to consider leaving him!

You have any idea about the patches on his head?

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Ben Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:30

The patches could be lots of things. If they aren't red and inflamed, you could watch and see if they are going away before taking him in. Can you call the previous owner and ask about the spots? There might be a good explaination like scrapes or healing hot spots. Don't beat yourself up. Just learn and move forward. We are all learning and it isn't an exact science, more of a touchy-feely thing. You'll be a great doggie dad.
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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:35

possibly allergy related. could be a number of things, including anxiety. Straight Face


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:38

bbimson wrote:The patches could be lots of things. If they aren't red and inflamed, you could watch and see if they are going away before taking him in. Can you call the previous owner and ask about the spots? There might be a good explaination like scrapes or healing hot spots. Don't beat yourself up. Just learn and move forward. We are all learning and it isn't an exact science, more of a touchy-feely thing. You'll be a great doggie dad.

They are not red or inflamed at all, just bold patches. He has none anywhere else from what I can see.

The previous owner was very sad about letting go, I don't really want to contact him if I don't want to, as it would be a constant reminder if you get what I mean?

I want to take him to the vet anyway so they can check his overall health and he needs worming and his booster.

Should I leave it a few days before taking him to a vet, maybe Monday?

Hope he is okay around other dogs, not seen another yet!

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:41

Herman's Human wrote:possibly allergy related. could be a number of things, including anxiety. Straight Face

Only got him today and they were there when I picked him up, so the anxiety would have to be related to something else if it was that. I didn't notice them the first time I met him but I would let something like that stop me from rescuing a dog anyway.

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:41

and Ben's right, we all just learn as we go Cool


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Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:49

if you're going to the vet anyway you could ask for skin scraping. that may tell you if it's something that needs to be treated. Ben has a good point with the hot-spot thing. that can even be treated at home with over the counter stuff Smile


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:52

Aw hes a cutey! I don't think he is underweight he just needs a bit of muscle put on him, im guessing the old owners didn't walk him a lot. One random tip, don't eve let him put his paw over your arm the way he is, thats a dominance thing and should always be discouraged.

You were right to let him go to your guests not the other way around, but in future make sure and ask them to knock and wait for you to answer that way it will avoid any confrontations. If he makes growling at guests a habit, anytime the door rings i would put him in the kitchen with the babygate closed so he can still see out. he can then be let out when he is calm and ignoring the fact there are guests.

Leaving him will be okay im sure you cant put your life on hold. Just make sure to lift anything you DONT want chewed up lol.

Good luck, you must be sooo excited.

Last edited by Equi on Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:57; edited 1 time in total


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:53

Okay, we'll glad it doesn't seem to be anything very serious. What exactly I'd a hot spot?

In regard to the vet, would Monday be too soon?

Last edited by Gee on Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:58; edited 1 time in total

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:55

Equi wrote:.

Good luck, you must be sooo excited.

ditto! Big Grin


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 01:56

Equi wrote:Aw hes a cutey! I don't think he is underweight he just needs a bit of muscle put on him, im guessing the old owners didn't walk him a lot. One random tip, don't eve let him put his paw over your arm the way he is, thats a dominance thing and should always be discouraged.

You were right to let him go to your guests not the other way around, but in future make sure and ask them to knock and wait for you to answer that way it will avoid any confrontations. If he makes growling at guests a habit, anytime the door rings i would put him in the kitchen with the babygate closed so he can still see out. he can then be let out when he is calm and ignoring the fact there are guests.

Good luck, you must be sooo excited.

Jeez, never knew that. Is it okay to have him in my lap like that, but just without his paw over my arm? Thanks for letting me know about that, I definitely want him to know I AM the pack leader! Smile

In regards to leaving him, just sad it's so soon! Sad

And yes it's great! Can't wait until he is fully settled and trained up! Good to have a companion again.

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 02:00

Its okay as long as he gets down and leaves you alone as soon as you ask and doesn't try to immediately jump back up. He needs to knoww your boundaries and that when you say enough thats enough! If he does start to jump right back up make sure you stand up so he cant do it. I recommend to watch Its me or the dog its great for dog training


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 02:05

By the way to just calify when i said dominance earlier it can also mean hes claiming you as his and could be jealous of others coming near you. Not just dominance as is trying to be the boss.


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Ben Sat Feb 11 2012, 02:20

I'd say watch them to see if they are getting worse or better over the weekend. Here is a link explaining hot spots
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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Pado Sat Feb 11 2012, 02:48


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 03:27

Congrats he is a fine looking dog. The peeing thing could have been nerves but as long as you remove the smell it shouldn't be an issue.

Sometimes dogs won't like a particular kind of person, in your instance an asian female because of a bad experience. I wouldn't say that was the case after just one encounter though.

He should be okay alone for a few hours if you exercise him right before. I would make sure he didn't have free run of the entire house.


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 08:53

Equi wrote:Its okay as long as he gets down and leaves you alone as soon as you ask and doesn't try to immediately jump back up. He needs to knoww your boundaries and that when you say enough thats enough! If he does start to jump right back up make sure you stand up so he cant do it. I recommend to watch Its me or the dog its great for dog training

Okay. He seems to get down and stays down when I tell him.

Equi wrote:By the way to just calify when i said dominance earlier it can also mean hes claiming you as his and could be jealous of others coming near you. Not just dominance as is trying to be the boss.

Oh right okay, thanks.

bbimson wrote:I'd say watch them to see if they are getting worse or better over the weekend. Here is a link explaining hot spots

One patch looks like it has gone a little red this morning. Dunno if he hit it, or scratched it etc.

Pado wrote:CONGRATS !!! ... Troy's FANTASTIC .... REALLY nice looking Dog. So happy for you both.

Yea, if was Frank who lifted his leg on the dining room chair Smile .... don't worry about it, new place,

new things - not sure of the rules yet. When Frank did it I just told him no and took him outside to pee -

I think he got it Big Grin - Troy will too.

As for the bald spots - don't worry yourself but do have the vet look at them - he'll probably take skin

scrapings as mentioned by another post to check for a few things - bald spots can be many different things.

Let the vet deal with it - and no, Monday's not too soon.

Before leaving him when you go to your friends party - I'd leave and lock him in the house for 5 or 10 minutes

just as a "check" before you leave the the 2-3 hrs... just to see what he gets up too ... better to come back

in to a dog eating the 1st pillow than a dog after hours eating your sofa Laughing ... also locking him up and coming

back in a few minutes will reassure him you are coming back. Its just a trial run so to speak Wink

Don't worry yourself too much - I can just tell by the questions you ask you are going to be one COOL dog Dad -

Troy's a lucky Pup !

Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely take that on board.

jstaff wrote:Congrats he is a fine looking dog. The peeing thing could have been nerves but as long as you remove the smell it shouldn't be an issue.

Sometimes dogs won't like a particular kind of person, in your instance an asian female because of a bad experience. I wouldn't say that was the case after just one encounter though.

He should be okay alone for a few hours if you exercise him right before. I would make sure he didn't have free run of the entire house.


He won't have a free run of the house, I have a carpeted basement area for him. He will be exercised before hand too.

So another update.

I came down this morning and he was really excited to see me. I gave him some food then was getting ready to walk him but he then just took a dump on my living room floor and then peed too! Was too fast for me to respond.

He never soiled his sleeping area so do you think it was excitement / nerves or should I have walked him immediately the fed after?

On the walk this morning he saw a small dog in the park. He was turning and looking in it's direction and whimpering as if he wanted to go to it.

He did the same when he saw birds on the field.

Are these signs of aggressiveness towards other animals or just interest? The previous owner said he was good with other animals and his grandmothers dog but I'm not so sure this is true anymore or maybe I'm worrying and jumping the gun? Thoughts please..I really do not want my dog or any dog for that matter hurting other pets or people. Not sure what he is going to do while in the vets waiting room with other dogs! Should I consider muzzling him or is that too soon right now?

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 09:03

Try to relax when you walk him and just go with the flow, if you are anxious it will make him anxious. signs of aggression are tail up straight and trust me you will know when he snarling at something! if he is going to attack he wil charge with his head down and ears back.

Its not advised to walk just after feeding as it can cause bloat. The peeing thing was totally normal, most dogs pee their first time in a new house. My dog of 10years had never peed in the house and was totally house trained but as soon as we took her to the new house the first thing she did was pee!


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 10:20

Here is a link to help you with body language.


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 11:17

Equi wrote:Try to relax when you walk him and just go with the flow, if you are anxious it will make him anxious. signs of aggression are tail up straight and trust me you will know when he snarling at something! if he is going to attack he wil charge with his head down and ears back.

Its not advised to walk just after feeding as it can cause bloat. The peeing thing was totally normal, most dogs pee their first time in a new house. My dog of 10years had never peed in the house and was totally house trained but as soon as we took her to the new house the first thing she did was pee!

I thinking the moaning is just wanting to go over and investigate. We saw another female Staffy in town and the handler let me introduce Troy to his dog. Troy was wagging his tale and sniffing, no signs of aggression, even when the other Staffy was yapping and trying to bite him lol

So hopefully he is fine with other dogs.

We walked past some Asian ladies today without a problem either.

jstaff wrote:Here is a link to help you with body language.

Thanks for that.

I understand the peeing could be nerves and excitement but what about the pooping in my house? Sad

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Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 11:18

Could also be nerves. It takes them awhile to settle in to new enviroments sometimes.


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 11:38

What a beauty! He looks a really nice boy.

Don't worry too much about the peeing & pooping. He's anxious, being taken out of the only home he's known (or at least can remember) and being carted off to a complete stranger's house! His routine will be completely up in the air & his body won't have adapted yet. Just be patient, don't tell him off - just take him outside & praise him if he goes out there & clean up whatever he's done inside without a word. Use a non-amonia cleaner, because to a dog amonia smells like urine & it'll encourage him to go there again. Try using a solution of biological washing liquid.

The bald spots look like a touch of demodex. If that's the case, it could clear up on its own. If they continue to get bigger or become red or itchy, then get a vet to check them. I wouldn't really want to put him through the discomfort of skin scrapes right now. Also, I'd wait to take him to the vets for a week - it won't hurt him to wait a little, but it'll help him to be a bit more settled & less anxious.

The whining when he sees interesting things (birds/other dogs/ cats etc) is actually quite normal for a staff! They will also sometimes shake with excitement.

Equi wrote:Aw hes a cutey! I don't think he is underweight he just needs a bit of muscle put on him, im guessing the old owners didn't walk him a lot. One random tip, don't eve let him put his paw over your arm the way he is, thats a dominance thing and should always be discouraged.

No, I don't think he's underweight, either - just needs building up a bit. As to the paw over your arm, to me that isn't a problem as long as he'll do as he's told; if you tell him to get off, he gets off etc.


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 12:02

Cool, thanks for the information. I'm just doing a test run with him in the basement and he is moaning quite badly Sad

Gonna give him 10 mins and let him back up. Really isn't nice don't want to leave him for a couple of hours today Sad

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 12:05

Don't suppose there's any way you can take him with you?


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 12:13

Caryll wrote:Don't suppose there's any way you can take him with you?
didn't think of that Cool


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 12:26

Feeling pretty crap right now. Within the 10 mins I left him, he peed and pooped on the basement floor, must be anxiety.

Supposed to be setting of at 1:30 and others are relying on me to get there (lifts)!

Really stuck as to what I'm supposed to do right now! I will be on the track karting for a 10 min qualifying round and 2x20 minute laps, even if I could take him where would I put him etc. He'd still be pining for me.


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 12:30

he looks lovely and he will settle bless him just give him time


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 12:34

Gee wrote:Feeling pretty crap right now. Within the 10 mins I left him, he peed and pooped on the basement floor, must be anxiety.

Supposed to be setting of at 1:30 and others are relying on me to get there (lifts)!

Really stuck as to what I'm supposed to do right now! I will be on the track karting for a 10 min qualifying round and 2x20 minute laps, even if I could take him where would I put him etc. He'd still be pining for me.


Anyone? Will he eventually calm down once I've gone? The poop and peeing can't be a good sign plus the moaning.

I don't want to mentally damage my new dog Sad

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Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 12:36

I think he is just getting adjusted to the new home


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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Kathy Sat Feb 11 2012, 12:37

He is a gorgeous looking fella.

I was going to suggest if there was anyway you could take him with you.

Would someone you know very well be able to stay with him in your house while you are out today.

I guess his is feeling a bit mixed up at the moment. He has just left his previous home then gone to another and been left on his own. He must be a bit confused.

Could you leave something with your smell on for him. We put one of my hubbys old jumpers in Rockys bed for when we go out he then snuggles up to it, it's a comforter for him.
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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 12:40

I had arranged a house sitter but now she won't because she is intimidated by him and acts nervouse around him and i don't want her passing that vibe onto Troy.

I can leave my scent on something but I'm not sure it will even help, his only concern is getting out of the basement when I leave him!

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by georgiegem Sat Feb 11 2012, 14:16

We've had Heston 2 weeks now from the Rescue Shelter and although your dog is older we have been going through similar things...
... Firstly just Relax, as he will be feeding off your anxiety. My partner & I worried about Heston for the first few days, but very quickly realised that by relaxing ourselves he also looked more relaxed! We also got some lavender oil and very lightly scented our hands and spent some time massaging him. I know I sounds crazy, but now Heston associates this smell with chilling out so we scent his crate when its time to spent some time alone and he settles better. Having said that he is still working on being left alone and has displayed all of the distress signals you have listed in the beginning. With 2 weeks work he no longer pees or poops when left, but starts to panic cry after 15 mins. My advice would be to just keep practicing (e.g every time you eat) and make alone time as appealing as possible, with some sort of treat dispensing toy,a cosy place to settle and set up the radio for comfort.

Let us no how you get on x

P.S Sorry for the essay, every idea is worth considering!
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Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 17:32


Thanks for the advice. I am actually relaxed around him and he is chilling here now after my return chewing on his bone. Does anyone else's Staffy whimper when chewing and licking a bone lol

I think I may do what you suggested. He doesn't seem to care what is with him once I've left though he just moans and scratches at the door. Guess I'll just build up the time. He is left alone all night but I guess he obviously goes to sleep.

My brother came and watched him while I went karting. He said he whimpered for a minute so he took him for s walk. On his return he just slept and chewed on his bone Smile

When he is with someone he is fine it's just when completely alone.

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Post by Guest Sat Feb 11 2012, 19:26

He'll get better as he becomes more sure of you & his new environment. Remember, he's suddenly been uprooted & he'll be feeling quite anxious.

He'll be much better in a week or so & should really start to settle properly in the weeks to come.


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Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 19:52

Yeah I understand. It's still very hard leaving him, I'm dreading bedtime tonight!

He winless and scratches at the door, follows me EVERYWHERE around the house.

He whimpered when my GF went into the shop too, but if you walk him he forgets.

He still whimpered a little bit in the house when I am just relaxing, should I comfort him or ignore it? Also should he be scolded when he does something wrong? He jumped up and knocked over a table spilling coke all over my sofa. And before I forget, for those that feed once a day, how big is the meal, do you weigh it or go by handfuls etc?

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Post by CMR Sat Feb 11 2012, 20:22

My girl whines also and I had her over two years. If I stop walking and she wants to carry on, if she sees other dogs and wants to play or smells something she’d like to chase. I see it as her way of letting me know what she wants and she’d stop if I ask her to be quiet (I’m sure you’ll be able to stop yours after a while also). You should worry if he does it without an obvious trigger as he might be in discomfort.

He is ridiculously handsome though, great find. Also, great news about his friendliness with other dogs, once you’ll trust his recall he’ll be enjoying some great days out no doubt.

I wouldn’t scold him yet as you could push the time he will fully trust you further into the future. Don’t spoil him either though and do your best to meet his doggy needs. As far as food is concerned, you wouldn’t be far wrong if you just weighed him then looked up on the food pack for guidance.

Enjoy, I’m slightly jealous as I really want to adopt a boy also but the wife is playing up. Might be looking for a new wife to go with my new dog instead... Big Grin
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Post by Kathy Sat Feb 11 2012, 20:33

As far as feeding goes do you know what he was eating before you got him?

There are many ways to feed, you could go for the raw food or dry kibble check the links for feeding options.

If you go for dry kibble check the amount on the pack to use as a guide and adjust if need be.

I wouldn't reprimand him for knocking over a drink. Maybe an idea to visit a charity shop and get some throws/covers for the sofa.
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Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 20:34

Thanks for the comments and advice. He is handsome, I love his eyes, almost cat like!

The whimpering doesn't bother me, it's only the whimpering when I leave him alone that breaks my heart!

Dreading bedtime as he will be left in the kitchen again. Won't be any easier tonight Sad

In regards to the scolding I won't tell him off but he did jump on a table after human food and I would tell him off in the future for such a thing.

Silly me, with everything else going on I totally didn't think about reading the packaging. Doh!

And he is on dry Wagg complete for now as that I'd what the previous owner said he ate.

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Post by shakespearesdog Sat Feb 11 2012, 20:46

He's a lovely looking boy. He doesn't look underweight, he just needs to put on some muscle. It looks like he hasn't been exercised a lot.
Regarding the bald spots I suggest you use some advocate spot on treatment on him, its very good at cleaning up mild skin conditions. My dog had two random bald patches on his flanks in the summer, I thought an insect had bit him but there was no irritation. After his bi monthly dosage of advocate they went away.
What food are you feeding him? I recommend one like James Wellbeloved or Arden Grange. This will help build up his muscles and give him a shiny coat.
Regarding the weeing and pooing, he's very confused right now and just been uprooted from the only home he's every known (I assume!) so he must be feeling very out of sorts.
Any reason he has to sleep in the kitchen? Can't he sleep in the bedroom with you or on the sofa? It would probably help his anxiety and make him feel a lot better. The kitchen must be cold this time of year, I know ours is.
Just tell him 'no' in a firm voice if he does something naughty. He sounds sensitive anyway, you don't have to shout at him to tell him off.


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Post by Kathy Sat Feb 11 2012, 20:57

We feed Rocky James Welbeloved and he is thriving on it and has a very shiney coat which everyone notices about him. There are many other good brands though. If you decide to change this do so gradually as a sudden change in diet can cause upset tummy.

I have heard that Fish4Dogs is very good too. This is another dry food.
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Post by georgiegem Sat Feb 11 2012, 21:04

Heston has also been following us everywhere around the house too and if we both aren't in the same room as him he won't settle. When he starts to follow us too much now we shut him out of the room we're in, so he has to accept that he can't always follow us. We have being doing this for a week now, alongside practicing alone time, and have already been noticing that Heston is a little more independent around the house and is beginning to understand that we do actually come back without the need for crying.

Try and get a routine going and it will make settling in a little easier. When he whimpers whilst you are relaxing I would take a hands off approach and not look/touch/talk to him. Its a heart breaker listening to them, but everything you are describing is connected- consistency will break the cycle

Keep going Gx

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Please meet Troy. The story so far... Empty Re: Please meet Troy. The story so far...

Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 21:23

shakespearesdog wrote:He's a lovely looking boy. He doesn't look underweight, he just needs to put on some muscle. It looks like he hasn't been exercised a lot.
Regarding the bald spots I suggest you use some advocate spot on treatment on him, its very good at cleaning up mild skin conditions. My dog had two random bald patches on his flanks in the summer, I thought an insect had bit him but there was no irritation. After his bi monthly dosage of advocate they went away.
What food are you feeding him? I recommend one like James Wellbeloved or Arden Grange. This will help build up his muscles and give him a shiny coat.
Regarding the weeing and pooing, he's very confused right now and just been uprooted from the only home he's every known (I assume!) so he must be feeling very out of sorts.
Any reason he has to sleep in the kitchen? Can't he sleep in the bedroom with you or on the sofa? It would probably help his anxiety and make him feel a lot better. The kitchen must be cold this time of year, I know ours is.
Just tell him 'no' in a firm voice if he does something naughty. He sounds sensitive anyway, you don't have to shout at him to tell him off.

I'm interested in your comment about him sleeping in the kitchen. He could sleep with me in my room, I don't have a problem with that if it is going to help, but it was mentioned previously to keep him where he would prodominately staying on a night and keeps his expectations consistent. Getting more confused than the dog here! lol, so what should I do, it's only the second night FYI.

Not ignoring the rest of the comments just want to get this one clarified as its bed time soon lol

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Post by shakespearesdog Sat Feb 11 2012, 21:58

I'm interested in your comment about him sleeping in the kitchen. He could sleep with me in my room, I don't have a problem with that if it is going to help, but it was mentioned previously to keep him where he would prodominately staying on a night and keeps his expectations consistent. Getting more confused than the dog here! lol, so what should I do, it's only the second night FYI.

Not ignoring the rest of the comments just want to get this one clarified as its bed time soon lol
Will he not be allowed in your bedroom when you're at work? I just think the kitchen sounds a bit harsh, I used to know a woman who had 4 dogs and she made them all sleep in the kitchen and it was freezing in there and they'd all shiver at night and the smallest one died from cold. Sad
If you've got a heater in there and he's got a comfortable bed then i'm sure its fine but staffies love being with people, they hate being excluded and he'd probably be happier sleeping with you. He doesn't have to share the pillow with you lol but he'd probably bond with you a lot quicker if his bed was in your room or a lot closer.
If you don't want him in your bedroom at all then fair enough...
My boy follows me everywhere, even into the bathroom. Yet I work full time, leaving the house at half 7 in the morning and getting back at about 7 in the evening and he's fine with it. The first couple of weeks was hard (I was unemployed when I first got him) but now he doesn't even wait for me to say goodbye before he shuffles into the living room and goes back to sleep on the sofa! Laughing


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Post by Gee Sat Feb 11 2012, 22:25

I don't have a problem with it at all but he will be in my basement when I am at work (has been carpeted, will have toys, water, heat etc). He won't be roaming the house freely while I'm not here.

So, will letting him sleep in my room aid things or make his anxiety worse when I start to leave him alone?

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Post by shakespearesdog Sat Feb 11 2012, 22:54

So, will letting him sleep in my room aid things or make his anxiety worse when I start to leave him alone?
I don't think it will make things worse. He'll get used to knowing that the basement means you're going out and won't be there. He can hear you in the house from the kitchen at night and he's probably wondering why he can't be with you. My dog gets far more upset being separated from me in the house then when I'm not actually in the house. Any reason he has to be in the basement when you're at work or are you just worried he'll wreck the joint? Tongues
My dog doesn't touch anything and I don't leave toys for him either, he just ignores them. He was terrible to leave when he was a puppy but he completely mellowed when he hit about 15/16 months.


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