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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 18:52

Skye is been really!! Snappy with vinnie lately! To the point she goea for him while showing teeth etc MAINLY over food n sometimes attention!! .. Shes done it about 3 times since yday twice yday and just now tonight .. Its worrying me!! I dont want them to fall out and worse comes to worse that we have to permanently seperate them for good Sad its so worrying to me as i adore both of em! ... I need to put a stop to it she seems to have jelousy issues and takes it out on vinnie.
Yesturday she snapped at him because she wanted all the attention og my mate when she come in .. So we told her of and crated her, but then my mate fussed vinnie and skye was watching, when i let her out she went for vinnie!! .. Later it calmed down and they were playing as normal.
Today all has been fine up untill just .. I give em both a piece of ham as a treat then skye went up to vin smelt his mouth and they both started again.

I am so worried! I dont want them to fall out :'(


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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 18:59

how scary worried hope ya get this sorted out!


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Post by Kathy Wed Feb 08 2012, 18:59

Kelly I really feel for you, sadly I have only ever had one dog at a time so cannot advize. Hope someone here can help you get it sorted out though. Fingers crossed for you.
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Post by janey Wed Feb 08 2012, 19:03

Do you think it could be Skye being in season causing it??
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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 19:19

Well its only gotten like this since yday? .. Can season cause this??


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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 19:23

I wish I had some advice! I hope you are able to work it out!


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Post by janey Wed Feb 08 2012, 19:29

staffy-lover89 wrote:Well its only gotten like this since yday? .. Can season cause this??

Never had 2 together, how was she with Vin last season? I would have thought its got everything to do with it Xx
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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 19:30

Anytime she shows aggression over attention i would be taking her out of the room and closing the door on her. As for the food, your just going to have to separate them for the time being until you figure out what to do. The attention one in my opinion is worse cusse it means your close to them so in the line of target so to speak!


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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 19:38

Last season she was snappy but not to this extent .. I am looking into behaviourist's at the mo because i want it sorted and if i had to remove her if it got that bad it would crush me!.
I often wonder if its because of me? Because my mom said when im not here they are as good as gold, when skye was a pup she was very poorly and i had her in my room with me every night to keep an eye on her etc i wonder if she is doing it because she dont want to share .. Im not sure so i think its best if i seek behaviourist help and even maybe have her checked by a vet


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Post by janey Wed Feb 08 2012, 19:48

I hope you get some answers, at the end of the day you know them better than anyone else.
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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 19:49

Yhhh, I just dot get why shes all of a sudden getting badly snappy with him .. I want to get to the bottom of it asap


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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 20:01

i'de be interested to hear what answers the behavourist has. nail biting


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Post by Pado Wed Feb 08 2012, 20:05


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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 21:20

It could be she is coming into season. Their tempermant can also change as they get older. Wish you the best of luck


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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 21:24

Thanks all, i have had an email back from a behaviourist who said he can help but would like me to tell him more on the phone if poss so will send him mu number and also spoke to a behaviourist on twitter who give me her email to tell her about it so just awaiting a reply on that.
I WILL get it sorted, determined! .. She is a lovely dog! She just seems to be pushing it at the mo


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Post by stella Wed Feb 08 2012, 21:31

hope you get it sorted,im sure a behavourist will get to the bottom of it,it must be so upsetting for you seeing her like it towards him Sad
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Post by appollo13102000 Wed Feb 08 2012, 21:50

may be season kelly i went to stay with a friend in dec for four days
first two days ruby n bella got along great murfy as well but by day 3
bella snapped at murfy every time he moved day 4 we had to seperate them as murfy going blind and couldnt always see bella she also got snappy with ruby but he was here last weekend and bella was fine with
both of them hope you get this sorted hun hugs >Big Grin<
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Post by standupforstaffies123 Wed Feb 08 2012, 22:02

Hey Kelly! Hope you get this sorted.My advice might not be much help but maybe you could try associating Vinnie with positive things so Skye learns not to snap at Vinnie. Maybe you could possibly try getting a friend to walk beside you with Vinnie and take some treats. You hold Sye and when she is good at walking beside Vinnie give her some treats, start walking closer together etc. When se has leanred this in the house, every time she is positive towards Vinnie praise her!

I know it might not be much help but hope you get it sorted as theyre both beautiful girls.
Much love hun Love Struck
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Post by Ben Wed Feb 08 2012, 22:19

Hm. This is not all that uncommon if she is feeling like her position is being threatened. I agree that seperating during feeding is best. My two have zero food aggression but I still seperate them as I don't want it to become an issue (just for their big meal though). You need to keep correcting her when she goes for Vinnie. Hope the behaviorist has some good advice as well. Sorry that you have to go through this.
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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 22:25

It could be her season, it can really change a bitch's temperament short term.

By all means have a chat with a behaviourist, but I'd also ask a vet to give her a health check to make sure she's ok & not feeling poorly etc.

I have always fed my dogs seperately (when i've had 2 together) - either in different rooms or at different times, it avoids stealing each other's food with the resulting bad feelings.


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Post by Guest Wed Feb 08 2012, 22:35

Sorry I can't give any advice. I hope you get it all sorted quickly with the vet and behaviourist >Big Grin<


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