Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by bobs Wed Feb 01 2012, 12:17

Morning all. The missus here. Sophie, can be absolutely fearless when faced with certain situations. She has encountered horses, tractors, dustcarts at close proximity and not batted an eyelid.

There is one thing she is terrified of though.................................................

It's the ruddy ironing board Laughing Laughing Laughing

If you get it out, she shakes, the tail goes down and she shoots behind the chair. doh We actually have to take it to another room to do the ironing.

We can state, hand on heart she has never had a 'bad experience' with any ironing board and this is totally irrational.The worst bit for her is when you upend it to stick it back in the cupboard. As soon as it is out of sight she comes tearing over to the cupboard wagging her tail trying to convince us how brave she is. Laughing Laughing Laughing

Oh and the other thing with her. She abhorrs rain with a vengeance, but will happily splash around in dirty puddles Laughing She actively seeks them out doh

Have any of your pooches got weird foibles like this? Blushing
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Guest Wed Feb 01 2012, 12:19

Can't say Suki is afraid of anything other than earthquakes. She will bark and try to attack the floor, bark and growl some more and than run for cover.


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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by shakespearesdog Wed Feb 01 2012, 12:22

Romeos ALWAYS been scared of the broom and the mop. Even now if someone starts to use them he'll run away and bark at it.
He also doesn't like cans that spray things such as deoderant but this makes him angry as opposed to scared and he'll bark and try to grab it off you.
He hates heavy rain as well, he hates feeling it on his bum for some reason and will start bucking like a horse trying to throw it off.
The rain i can sort of understand but hes never had anyone come after him with a broom or mop. Hes so weird. Laughing
I've never seen him shake from fear and hide though, he faces his fears head on!
(Talking of his head he accidently headbutt my arm yesterday and it felt like a brick! My God i nearly toppled over!)

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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by janey Wed Feb 01 2012, 12:22

Laughing Laughing Laughing

Moo isn't affraid of anything really, she gets her knickers in twist sometimes over strange things though, the last one was a purple recycling bag, could I get her to walk past it?!?!?! Had to cross the road in the end.

Funny things!! Xx
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Guest Wed Feb 01 2012, 13:06

well thats weird, billy hates the ironing board as well, i think it cause its big and makes a noise when you out it up



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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Guest Wed Feb 01 2012, 13:42

Tyson is not keen on the vacuum cleaner. He eventually settles down and stops trying to attack it but if I use the hand vac he goes full on defense mode


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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Kathy Wed Feb 01 2012, 14:40

My husband is the same when he sees the ironing board Laughing Rocky is perfectly OK with it
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by janey Wed Feb 01 2012, 14:53

kathytake2 wrote:My husband is the same when he sees the ironing board Laughing Rocky is perfectly OK with it

rolling on the floor
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Guest Wed Feb 01 2012, 15:08

I've never found anything yet! My old dog amber was terrified of the car. I mean she read your mind and if you even walked out the door with the intention of just grabbing her and man handling her into it (for vets or something) she would take off and we would find her miles away in the town trying to hide in the park or something. She was a very obediant dog so would stop and lie down as soon as you yelled to her but flip she would not get into that car.

The day we had her PTS i put her into the car and she just sat there looking at me and it was one of those "this is the right thing to do" moments


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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Summerisle Wed Feb 01 2012, 15:17

Jimi's a bit odd lol, he's not scared of the broom when I sweep inside the house, he attacks it, but when I sweep the patio he runs away. The other thing I've noticed lately that scares him are feathers Laughing
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Pheley Wed Feb 01 2012, 15:46

bubble wrapp, clio hates it, she curls up and has such a classic "feel sorry for me" staffie look on her face. weirdo !!!
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Guest Wed Feb 01 2012, 15:57

Vinnie is at a everything spooks me stage, but he especially doesnt like dustbins as one fell over when it was empty!! hope he overcomes it Smile


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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by debpayne Wed Feb 01 2012, 16:02

Ruby goes and sits by the front door trembling when I'm frying anything, she hates the sizzling noise, it's odd because she's not afraid of fireworks or other loud noises. At least it means I try to choose a healthier cooking option!
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by paul/beau Wed Feb 01 2012, 16:20

beau hates the brush and mop and my son's radio controlled car
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Guest Wed Feb 01 2012, 17:17

Jethro is scared of so many things..where do I start..loud noises and Winston's barking sends him into panic mode..but if I just show him a wooden mouse trap he absolutely falls apart. What a weirdo !! Surprised


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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by dave g Wed Feb 01 2012, 18:59

Mine use to run a mile when the kettle clicked off..
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Taryn Wed Feb 01 2012, 19:35

romeo is scared silly of my metal blinds... no idea why. he even sees you go near them and he shakes and hides under the bed or in his little house, and stares and watches the whole time
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Pado Wed Feb 01 2012, 20:04


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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by gem Wed Feb 01 2012, 21:20

My girl is scared of fireworks
My boy isnt scared of anything
But you want to see my old horse she is scared of crisp bags and puffs and snorts she really hates them she jumps the bags before she will walk passed them Laughing
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Skullkandi Wed Feb 01 2012, 22:53

Apart from other dogs...nothing.
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Guest Thu Feb 02 2012, 01:19

Saxon is the same way! So brave about everything, except one thing... He HATES yelling. If you the boyfriend and I have an argument, or are yelling about our day or yelling to someone on the phone, he shakes and crouches down. Sometimes he even runs and hides in his kennel. I don't know if his previous owners hit him when they yelled at him or if he just naturally hates yelling, but either way he looks really poorly when there is yelling.

The vacuum just makes him angry, he goes after it. Same with brooms and mops. Probably doesn't like how they clean up his mess...


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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by thepack Fri Feb 03 2012, 12:20

My tribe are pretty much bomb proof.

Tilli can sit next to me when cooking and i drop a pan on the wooden floor she dosent even flinch, yet if fireworks are going off she craps her pants and shakes whilst trying to hide inside my back lol!

Gizzi and zeus couldnt give a monkeys about anything not even the fireworks!

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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by ph0n1c5 Fri Feb 03 2012, 16:17

The thing with hoovers and brushe's (broom's) is the dog can smell him self off it as it brushes or hoovers up there hairs well thats what i think lol
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Nathan Fri Feb 03 2012, 22:53

Ducks and robins... he runs a mile when ducks come to see him and he's scared s***less of the tame robin in my garden which is funny as it follows him about lol. nothing else phases him at all...feathers must be oh so scarey to him.
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Guest Sat Feb 04 2012, 01:48

aaah this is so funny reading about all these silly things

vanessa wrote:

Jethro is scared of so many things..where do I start..loud noises and Winston's barking sends him into panic mode..but if I just show him a wooden mouse trap he absolutely falls apart. What a weirdo !! Surprised

Jethro, a mouse trap? honestly!!!

Today my boyfriend's step dad dropped off two kangaroo legs and a tail for us to chop up for Russell's dinners - they were still intact and I'm sure it would be scary for a child to see these big clawed feet and tail sticking out of a bucket - but I thought Russell would just want to eat it - nope.
Russell ran with his tail between his legs and just watched from afar whilst Ben skinned it and sliced it... (not my job thank god)

he was quite happy to munch it down once it looked like meat though!


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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by steve76 Sat Feb 04 2012, 01:53

marley is his new winter coat. tried to put it on him, he cowered, he was the same with his harness, walks like an old man for the first few days
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Guest Sat Feb 04 2012, 02:57

yes sadly Meg... a wooden mouse trap! Surprised Sad ( so embarrassing! )

we had abit of a plague a while back and while Tony was setting a trap it went off with a loud snap..Jethro pooed himself and ran off and now if we just show him a trap he turns to jelly ! People who think staffys are ferocious and nasty need to see Jethro in action!


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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Guest Sat Feb 04 2012, 10:17

Holly doesn't worry about fire works , the car, other dogs or anything like that .
BUT take her soft collar off and she runs a mile LOL.
Shower time !!
She hates the shower, but will happily romp in the stinky lake !


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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by i love leah and lois Sun Feb 05 2012, 19:26

Milly is scared off the ironing board also.She wont walk by it she gives it a very wide berth Laughing She is also scared of the vaccum cleaner and the sweeping brush
i love leah and lois
i love leah and lois
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Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie? Empty Re: Sophie is a fearless wimp, is your staffie?

Post by Guest Sun Feb 05 2012, 20:01

Morning , on our 6 am walk holly found a little green caterpillar Crying or Very sad Scared to death....... Then we were walking along and a male Staffy about 30 m ahead stiffened up. His owner ( drugo meat head) clipped his lead on and was doing his best to distract him.... No way in hell holly was walking past him. I had to carry her! What a sight..... Once I picked her up and we were past the dog she was back to her happy self.


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