So I just realized...

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So I just realized...  Empty So I just realized...

Post by Msigler Sat Jan 28 2012, 09:41

That Obama signed a martial law (NDAA) bill... so basically, If the government doesn't want me here or anyone else they can abduct me in the night and execute me or keep me locked away in a hole somewhere. This bill gives the government the right to do ANYTHING they want to someone that they would "say" was a terrorist. This is freaking nuts!!! I voted for Obama because he said he would "change" the states, that and he said he would end the wars. But now he is going to get us in another. Pretty soon we will be no better off than N. Korea. They are trying to take the internet away from us also... I have wanted to move from this country for so long but I need to sale my house first. I am so nervous that either Israel is going to attack Iran or Obama is going to attack them. I just really really want to move to EU and open a pub that serves good food but unless my house burns down or I sale it I am stuck. Rant over. Sorry.


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Kathy Sat Jan 28 2012, 09:56

Christ Mike, had no idea things were that bad over there. It isn't much better here though. High unemployment big problem right now. No manufacturing industry major problem.

Last edited by kathytake2 on Sat Jan 28 2012, 11:33; edited 1 time in total
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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28 2012, 10:18

Do you have a link for the bill? Most of those types of laws were actually inacted by Bush under the Homeland Security Act shortly after 9/11. Marshall Law referes to an ability for the military to act as a police force.

Also no way we invade Iran. The economy couldn't handle it, the military is significantly downsizing and it's an election year. Obama will focus on running for reelection and fixing the economy.


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28 2012, 11:17

We actually have a similar law here, believe it or not. The anti-terrorism law says that the police (or military) can take someone away for (I think) 14 days without ever bringing a charge etc, if they have cause to think they may be involved in terrorism/crimes against the state.

It's actually a good law if used properly, because the authorities can often be aware of torrorism activity before they have concrete proof - it means that they can take the terrorist out of the equasion before anything happens, and maybe get names of others involved.


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Msigler Sat Jan 28 2012, 15:28

jstaff wrote:Do you have a link for the bill? Most of those types of laws were actually inacted by Bush under the Homeland Security Act shortly after 9/11. Marshall Law referes to an ability for the military to act as a police force.

Also no way we invade Iran. The economy couldn't handle it, the military is significantly downsizing and it's an election year. Obama will focus on running for reelection and fixing the economy.

I know what martial law means but every time a law like this is passed the government uses it in ways that it should not. There are probably already missing people in the US or abroad that are related to this bill.
It's not just that. I am tired of living in a "police the globe" country. Our constitution is basically just an old souvenir now. And the SOPA/PIPA bills that didn't get passed are outrageous. They are still taking things too far.

"We are determined to prevent Iran from turning nuclear. And even the American president and opinion leaders have said that no option should be removed from the table and Iran should be blocked from turning nuclear," Barak told reporters during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.

Also the US and the UK are sending more ships towards Iran.


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28 2012, 22:14

I always thought Australia was far enough away from everything, but I'm learning it's not and it's scary! But, still further away than most countries. Start a pub here... always in need of more!!!!


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Msigler Sun Jan 29 2012, 04:53

Don't just give me a secret thumbs down and not say why. If you don't agree with my opinions please explain why. Cowardly in my opinion.


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 07:36

I think the laws are necessary in today's world even if they are taken a little too far sometimes. I would rather there be a few over reactions than anthor 9/11 or worse.

Iran gaining nuclear capability would be a very bad thing. Anytime a country goes nuclear it gives them much more leverage and Iran already has a bit too much influence in the Miidle East for my comfort.

I also wish there was a method of seeing who gave a thumbs down. I've only ever given one and it was on accident Big Grin


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 07:43

It wasn't me. I was trying to work how you know who gives the thumbs up and down too! I unfortunately do not pay enough attention to world politics (it gets me angry) to say who's view point I agree with more: all I read was Pub Tongues


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 11:27

Msigler wrote:Don't just give me a secret thumbs down and not say why. If you don't agree with my opinions please explain why. Cowardly in my opinion.

I agree. If we all state our opinions, calmly & politely we can have meaningful discussions.

jstaff wrote:
I also wish there was a method of seeing who gave a thumbs down. I've only ever given one and it was on accident Big Grin

I have given a couple, but have also stated why at the time.


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Kathy Sun Jan 29 2012, 12:41

Not me either. Not really been in the discussion anyway. How do you find out who has given thumbs up or down??
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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by janey Sun Jan 29 2012, 12:47

kathytake2 wrote:Not me either. Not really been in the discussion anyway. How do you find out who has given thumbs up or down??

You can't. Wasn't me though my knowledge of politics is slim to none!
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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 13:03

over here in Australia people are paranoid about terrorism too, believe it or not. If a parcel is left unattended anywhere, the army is just about called in ! Bordering on the ridiculous!
ps wasn't me that gave the thumbs down!


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Guest Sun Jan 29 2012, 15:05

janey wrote:
kathytake2 wrote:Not me either. Not really been in the discussion anyway. How do you find out who has given thumbs up or down??

You can't. Wasn't me though my knowledge of politics is slim to none!

Same here. With due respect I get annoyed with US being the 'world police' but only selectively so. Politics for me makes no sense other than ultimately to be about the money.


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by wentzer Mon Jan 30 2012, 01:04

one thing i do know, the SOPA/PIPA that are trying to take over the internet, its always been there, they are just trying to enforce it more so, with everythign that you see. But then if they do that they are taking away our freedom of speech ect. also, this whole iran thing, again i say it this way, the us has issues minding their own buisness, it doesnt matter whos in office, there is always going to be something someone doesnt like. clinton bush obama, there has been something about all of them. the US is unable to solve any of the problems here in their own country but we can rush right into another country and try and take over....Iran may have all the nuclear crap, but if we dont upset them and mind our own buisness well what do we have to worrie about, we have all these stupid oil refinerys and crap here just use our own, stop getting it from overseas. trade things nicely....this is all stupud commmon sense, that everyone has, sees money and wants that instead.
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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Msigler Mon Jan 30 2012, 01:29

I agree Heather. We have the power to sustain ourselves but that isn't enough. Our congress consists of really old men who want to control and dominate a few more times before they check out. For Gods sake we have 5000 nukes and defensive missiles and satellites that can shoot down missiles. Why don't we bring them all home and fix our own country for a change. I think we have earned a vacation as far as world policing goes.


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Msigler Mon Jan 30 2012, 01:31

Oh and by the way... I carried a rifle in Iraq for a couple years. Bet the guy who gave me a thumbs down didn't...


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So I just realized...  Empty Re: So I just realized...

Post by Guest Mon Jan 30 2012, 09:43

If the US doesn't act as the police force than who would fill that role? The Department of Denfense is downsizing by 140,000 troops over the next few years but you can't just let countries do what they like. If Iran managed to have a nuclear weapon they would have a far greater influnce in the region which is not a good thing.


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Post by shakespearesdog Mon Mar 05 2012, 13:31

Israel have already attacked Iran many times and severely hampered the progress they made with developing nuceler weapons. They operate covertly-they would never declare a one on one war.


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