Another dog atack.

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Another dog atack. Empty Another dog atack.

Post by bobs Tue Jan 24 2012, 14:21

Just had our neighbour on the phone. Last night, their labradoodle was attacked by the GSD that lives along the road. The owner is abusive and obnoxious and the dog stays outside in the drive most of the day. Thankfully, there is a six foot wrought iron gate. Said owner screams abuse if you glance in her direction. Many neighbours have had confrontations with her.

The dog is confrontational and tries to attack every other dog when on a lead, but apparently it got loose last night and went for our neighbours dog. He is at the vets having several puncture woulds treated.

Thankfully, we haven't seen this dog out when we have had Sophie with us (apparently she walks it early evening), but it has filled me with dread when Sophie starts going out again.

The police are involved but have said they can only warn the owner as no human was hurt. They are also going to contact the local dog warden. The neighbours to the GSD have already contacted the RSPCA as they are fed up with the dog being out and barking all day but they were really not interested.

Even now, Sophie hesitates and looks terrified when we pass this persons house.

Any suggestions as to if there is anything else that can be done. Whilst I feel sorry for it, the dog is clearly out of control and a potential danger to all of us should it get loose again.

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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by Kathy Tue Jan 24 2012, 14:29

I really don't know what to suggest but the owners obviously need some educating. Is there anyway you can let them know this??
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by Guest Tue Jan 24 2012, 16:26

Other than what's already been done, there's very little you can do. I'd avoid walking past in case it gets out again.

GSDs are another breed that get a poor press, purely because so many of them have cr*p owners.


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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by stiofan Tue Jan 24 2012, 17:58

I thought they could get her using the dangerous dogs act?. Surely that covers a case like this.
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by MarleyAndMe Tue Jan 24 2012, 18:52

funny how this type of thing happens all the time with all types of different dogs but as soon as a staffys involved its in the papers quicker then you blink with a big up roar about putting them on the dangerous dogs list! ive heard lots of people talking about other types of dogs that attack other dogs and people but its always the staffys that get dragged threw the mud with horrible pictures of them snarling it really is a shame Crying or Very sad
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by dave g Tue Jan 24 2012, 19:19

If i was you i would be taking a heavy walking stick with you just in case he gets out when you are walking you dog...
dave g
dave g
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by bobs Tue Jan 24 2012, 20:17

Bob's missus here. Sorry, I should have put it was me typing the original post. Thanks for your replies.

I am wondering if the owner could be made to muzzle the dog at least if out in public.

Bob and I can walk Sophie (providing she gets the all clear from the vet) together over the weekend but I will have to avoid going that way on my own.

It just seems so ridiculous that the 'legal' hands are tied. The last thing I would like to see is anything happen to the dog, but our priority is to protect Sophie.

From what I have heard from others who have encountered this unpleasant woman she is beyond being a responsible dog owner.
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by Andy Tue Jan 24 2012, 20:57

Difficult situation when the cops and dw cant/wont do anything ... makes my blood boil angry

I'm gonna start up my own crack team of "crap dog owner vigilanties" ... that can pay people like this a visit >Smile Laughing
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by jshrew Tue Jan 24 2012, 21:56

If the dog is constantly barking then the neighbours could try environmental health as another option, that could be quite a drawn out process of diary keeping but its another blip on the radar against dog/owner
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by Guest Tue Jan 24 2012, 22:06

stiofan wrote:I thought they could get her using the dangerous dogs act?. Surely that covers a case like this.

Not if it's dog on dog. It only comes under the present act if a human is attacked. Sad


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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by Taz Tue Jan 24 2012, 23:35

Smelling salts in your pocket in case a fight breaks out ..

And a mobile with a camera with video capabilities, in case anything does happen, as evidence that the dog is out of control to provide to your local council/police Smile

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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by Andy Tue Jan 24 2012, 23:59

Pauline - no offence, but if my boy was being attacked, the last thing I'd do is film it !! (i know your advice was given with good intentions tho Wink )
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by steve76 Wed Jan 25 2012, 02:27

where i live there is a big problem of dogs that shouldn't be let off the lead or left in the front garden often are, only last week my staff was attacked whilst out on a walk with the wife. ok he gave as good as he got but he was on his his lead and it took the wife to pick up the lump to stop the fight. our dog is a big softy, we have only had him since late november. but it's owners that don't care as long as the dog gets walked that annoys me to the point, if i'm there and your dog attacks mine, i've got a size ten waiting, sorry just hate nasty dogs that need or should have had socialising at an earlier age, not the i live here this is my park
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by stiofan Wed Jan 25 2012, 02:40

I think the Dangerous Dog Act would cover this dogs behaviour.

Any dog is dangerously out of control if:
• it injures a person, or
• it behaves in a way that makes
a person worried that it might
injure them.
The law applies everywhere the general
public is allowed to go and anywhere your
dog goes where it is not supposed to be.
The maximum penalty for allowing a
dog you own or are in charge of to be
dangerously out of control is two years’
imprisonment, or a fine, or both.
In addition, if your dog is dangerously out
of control in its own home or garden then
the police or anyone else that is worried
about the dog being a risk could also seek a
control order.
If your dog injures another person’s
animal, or an owner of an animal
reasonably believes that they could be
injured if they intervened to protect their
animal from your dog, then an offence may
be committed
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by stiofan Wed Jan 25 2012, 02:45

People have been charged here after dogs have attacked cats , a guy was charged around xmas after his dogs killed two yorkshire terriers .I think the only real difference between here and England is that it also applies to private property in Scotland.So if the dog escaped from its garden the police should be able to do something?.
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by Msigler Wed Jan 25 2012, 08:39

Owner needs some pepper spray to the face I think.
Surprised Big Grin


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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by shakespearesdog Wed Jan 25 2012, 09:15

I know (from sight) of several people like this. They buy the GSDs to use as guard dogs (they are all rich and have very big houses). The dog is never socialized or walked and stalks up and down the drives/garden all day barking at anything and everything. One tried to leap over the fence when i walked past with Romeo, scary thing is he almost managed it.
Its such a shame I love gsds, although i wouldn't buy one unless it was from working stock, the kc have ruined their hips and back legs.


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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by Taz Wed Jan 25 2012, 14:25

Andy wrote:Pauline - no offence, but if my boy was being attacked, the last thing I'd do is film it !! (i know your advice was given with good intentions tho Wink )

Point taken. But with all due respect, when you've had as much crap from people clown as I tend to have, you eventually learn to prepare for most situations Smile chatterbox
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Another dog atack. Empty Re: Another dog atack.

Post by bobs Thu Jan 26 2012, 09:45

Hi, the missus here. I have passed on the info re the Dangerous Dogs Act. The police are going to go round and suggest that civil action could be an option to recover the vets costs. Apparently, the GSD used to be muzzled whilst it was out so the owner clearly knows it has a problem.

We are just hoping that the fact that police are involved will be enough for the owner to take responsibity.

Will keep you posted.
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