Dog behaviouralist

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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Dog behaviouralist

Post by flame Mon Jan 23 2012, 15:53

O me Oh my

how fantastic was that.. he has helped me with so many thing like walking on a lead how to play with river, and most importantly how to read her calming signals. amazing stuff. i would recommend him to everyone who live in my area. told me not to feed wet foos as it increases prey drive. she inst dangerous. and advise me to get another dog Big Grin whoop whoop said if river was used to other dogs which she is it is best for her so she dont loose her signals and doggyness if that makes sense.. so now just got to wait till the right dog comes up and get river spayed of course. he also told me that i can command river with just hand signals and began the training on that today. he runs 2hr walks on a sunday with about 38 other dogs which we are going to join on sunday. i could go on and on and on... a big thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up all in all...

calming signals are. lowering head, looking away. licking nose, lifting one poor and the difference between play stance and tried stance.. and the diffrence in the tail movements..fantastabubble...
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
 Dog behaviouralist Top_ra10

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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Re: Dog behaviouralist

Post by Guest Mon Jan 23 2012, 15:56

wow what great news for you and River..

glad it all went so well!


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Post by Kathy Mon Jan 23 2012, 16:21

Glad you found the right person for your training. Lots to work on there and with the hand signals should keep you busy for a while thumbs up
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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Re: Dog behaviouralist

Post by Guest Mon Jan 23 2012, 16:41

Great news, glad it went well!

I would disagree about the wet food, though. It all depends on the ingredients, not whether it's wet or dry!


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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Re: Dog behaviouralist

Post by Guest Mon Jan 23 2012, 16:45

If you go by that old wive's tale, then all raw fed dogs would automatically become vicious as they'll get the taste for blood!


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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Re: Dog behaviouralist

Post by janey Mon Jan 23 2012, 18:46

Sounds like River is really coming on, well done you. Smile
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Post by Guest Mon Jan 23 2012, 20:33

Glad to you things are going so well


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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Re: Dog behaviouralist

Post by gem Mon Jan 23 2012, 22:43

So glad you have found him and you are learning knew things thats great thumbs up
My thoughts are these though
He will never know your dog like you will know her Smile
He will never know you like your dog knows you Smile

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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Re: Dog behaviouralist

Post by Guest Tue Jan 24 2012, 11:07

Great news. Can sense that it has done your confidence the world of good. Great for River too.


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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Re: Dog behaviouralist

Post by flame Tue Jan 24 2012, 12:46

he has done. she is better today already and i think that is because i am more confident and river knows where she stands. and so do i.

Gem i think thats the whole point...
i know her and she knows me already and i wanted an outside objective view on River as a dog. me as an owner and whether i was good enough to be her owner.. i dont mean that in a look at me im pants way cos actually i am rather superb hahaha.. i meant in a am confident enough to provide what river needs being the breed she is.. this has only come about since our mishap last week with laney. i didnt want to be responsible for anything bad happening to River. so if that was the case i had to let her go.. but all is well. it was only a one time thing and group walks on a Sunday which i cant wait. i wouldnt have the pennies to afford him every week hahah..

i know everyone has there own opinion but this man has worked with dogs for over 25 years and his methods works for me and River she was rolled over on her back in submission within 3 minutes and he didnt talk to her, just touched her and looked at her..!
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
 Dog behaviouralist Top_ra10

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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Re: Dog behaviouralist

Post by Guest Tue Jan 24 2012, 13:09

I just don't understand why anyone would want their dog to roll over in submission?



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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Re: Dog behaviouralist

Post by Guest Tue Jan 24 2012, 13:18

Theres nothing wrong with someone being able to command the up most respect from there dog but should a stafford roll onto thier backs in submission from a touch or a look........not imo. My Ty does with my hubby when he raisies his voice (even if hubby is joking around and shouts with the kids etc) he cowers and sometimes even wee's himself, its very distressing to watch. We really arnt sure why he does this as both dogs have good lifes, we think it may go back to before we rescued him.


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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Re: Dog behaviouralist

Post by Guest Tue Jan 24 2012, 13:27

I love that bubbly, slightly (?) mischievous character & hate to see total submission.


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 Dog behaviouralist Empty Re: Dog behaviouralist

Post by flame Tue Jan 24 2012, 14:10

i think maybe that come out wrong!... i didnt mean it as she was scared. and not a look as in do as your told.. its hard to get sometimes what people are saying through type and there is no emotion in type..

it was calming signals he was giving off. its all in that book by Turid Rugass, i dont agree with everything she says but the calming signals i do. It was the calming signals he was doing not frightening her or overwhelming her, he was very gentle and calm and no demanding throughout the whole thing.. and touching i meant and in he massaged her shoulders and was very gently slowly stroking her chest. i couldn't call it stroking cos it wasn't

River still has that character but i believe our relationship is on respect not making her do things and dominating her, but cos she respects me she does them. no need to raise your voice or speak in a harsh tone. its hard to put into type, but not as it came out in the last post at all sorry for any confusion,
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
 Dog behaviouralist Top_ra10

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