How is everyone

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How is everyone Empty How is everyone

Post by Guest Wed Jan 18 2012, 12:22

How is sophie today hope she's not too groggy from the extra sedative and just nicely relaxed bless her.

and i am sure its monty that is in today too. how is he doing keep us posted


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How is everyone Empty Re: How is everyone

Post by bobs Wed Jan 18 2012, 15:14

Hi Julie, thanks for asking. Today has been a bit mixed but less stressful due to us re-aranging things a bit. Last night, we had to trust Sophie not to lick at her stitches as her keeping her bucket on was too stressful and she was in danger of hurting herself. She normally sleeps in a huge crate beside our bed. She slept in there last night and we just hoped and prayed if she did start having a lick one of us would wake. This morning, her scar is still nice and clean so another successful night.

The main problems we have are that she is totally bored and determined to get on the sofa, which the vet has strictly forbidden. Because of this, one of the three of us has been on the end of her lead even indoors all the time except when she has been in her crate overnight. She must be getting fed up with this as much as we have found it difficult. If two of us were out of the house like yesterday, Bob couldn't even spent a penny Crying or Very sad

Her enormous crate would take up most of the lounge, so I suggested we bring in her holiday crate (we also have a smaller crate for the car) and put it permanently in the lounge. That way, at least if she has to be left for a couple of minutes, she has no chance of jumping on the sofa.

At the moment, she has snuggled down in it nicely and is having a lovely nap in her own space, at least with us still able to watch her.

Boredom wise, she has a number of nylabones, rawhide bones and kongs. We can't use her other toys as they are tuggy and chase toys.

She currently has two kongs filled with peanut butter in the freezer. She has quite a delicate tummy and many chews upset her. Not a thing we want at the moment. The vet has also said that pigs ears are a no no, as are bones either cooked or raw. He has also said no to the hooves that seem to be appearing in the shops.

Spoke too soon. Have just discovered she can scratch her wound with her back foot Surprised

Any suggestions for a very bored staffie would be welcomed. >Big Grin<

She has also managed her toilet habits perfectly well Blushing

Hope everyone else is ok >Big Grin<
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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How is everyone Empty Re: How is everyone

Post by janey Wed Jan 18 2012, 18:09

So pleased to hear all has gone well for all >Big Grin<

And Mrs Bob, this is why we always say the op will be fine, its keeping them quiet afterwards Laughing Just do what your doing as there is little else you can do. Its so so frustrating for you and them, but for the best Xx
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How is everyone Empty Re: How is everyone

Post by Guest Wed Jan 18 2012, 18:27

Lemmy has woke up fine now and boy do we know about it. We have all on trying to get him and Lottie to stop playing too much and too boisterous. This morning she was all "come and play come and play" and he was too tired and stiff. Now its "come on Lottie keep up". just had to get them down the stairs after they were charging in and out of the bedrooms. Lottie can open the gate at the bottom so thats a waste of time now.


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How is everyone Empty Re: How is everyone

Post by Ben Wed Jan 18 2012, 18:38

Oh boy. Hopefully I can figure something out to keep him calm! Beer?
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How is everyone Empty Re: How is everyone

Post by Guest Wed Jan 18 2012, 18:42

Wow. All our boys and girls seem to be coming along nicely. Maybe some mind games will keeping them still and not too bored.


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How is everyone Empty Re: How is everyone

Post by janey Wed Jan 18 2012, 18:44

Keep him quiet Julie, its harsh but I no with a girl its internal and external stitches.

Lottie, young lady can you please leave big bro alone and vice versa!
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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