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arggghhhh! Empty arggghhhh!

Post by Caitlin&Roxie Mon Jan 16 2012, 10:05

this morning after taking my dog out last thing last night at 12am and i came down for work at 5am had poo'd and wee'd in the house.

first of what can i use to get rid of the smell and staining that its doing to my carpets.
and secondly i have never caught her in the act, so how i
she's 2. and is fairly ignorant at times.

i had alot of help yesterday with people suggesting taking her out for longer/more walks and letting her out every half an hour.
but she only does it at night when we sleep.

does anyone have any suggestions that i could try

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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by janey Mon Jan 16 2012, 11:20

TBH I can't suggest anymore than I said yesterday Sad
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by janey Mon Jan 16 2012, 11:20

What time is she fed and what is fed on???
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 16 2012, 11:24

could you get a crate and put her in there for the night, as they usually dont like to soil their bed


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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Caitlin&Roxie Mon Jan 16 2012, 12:27

sorry for the late reply, didnt even realise anyone had wrote back. and i am thinking about crating her of a night as she has a tendancy to jump o the bed at 3am after being put on her own bed. we generally just put some food in her bowl twice a day and when its gone its gone. and she's fed on wagg as that was what the rescue centre fed her on and when we brought her home we didnt want to risk upsetting her stomach by changing her feed.
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Ben Mon Jan 16 2012, 14:33

You may consider feeing once a day at that age a measured amount. Perhaps she is getting too much food or it is spread out. Kibble takes about 12 hours to pass through her system. Also, I've heard wagg mentioned here but that it isn't great. Most kibble will result in more poo as it has lots of fillers that pass through the system. There is a lot of info in the food section you may consider. Also, would recommend a crate at night. If she isn't crate trained it may take a little work and patience but would most likely make it easier for you to sleep and help reduce the accidents while she is being house trained.
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 16 2012, 17:59

Dogs should only be fed once a day or twice with smaller amounts. Any more and youre just creating problems. I would feed her once in the morning and then she should be ready to do the deed by walk time. Creating is also an option but i would only use it as a last last resort, i dont like creates at all. Can you get a baby gate and keep her in the kitchen at all and then she won't be on the bed or staaining the carpet.

im not terribly much help though sorry, my dog house trained herself :/


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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by janey Mon Jan 16 2012, 18:12

Hay Treacle (lol)!

IMHO I would only feed the guide lines, and take it up after 10mins whether eaten or not. This willl get her into a regular food pattern rather than being able to graze.

I also would poss try changing her food, I had endless probs with Moo and after vets tests and trial and error (advice here) she is now on Fish4Dogs which is a great food. I also buy over the net so it works out cheaper.

Crateing at night is also a great option.

Moo is fed at 7.30am and about 6.00pm, walked at 11.00am and 3.00pm. And again in the am+pm as it fits round work. Maybe try a new routine and new times, also make sure everything is properly cleaned Xx
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 16 2012, 21:29

How long have you had her? If it's only a relatively short time she may still be in the settling down stage. The accidents overnight might be her way of trying to get attention, or resenting the lack of it! I would clean the areas with a solution of biological washing powder/liquid as this will clean & deodorise without leaving the smell of amonia, which will attract her back to the spot to wee/poo again!

I would sugest that you feed her main meal in the morning (as long as she isn't walked for at least an hour either side of it, and preferably longer) and maybe a smaller meal in the evening, or cut right back to one meal a day.

Equi wrote: Crating is also an option but i would only use it as a last last resort, i dont like creates at all.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with crates as long as they are not used for punishment, and the dog isn't left in there for hours at a time. Overnight (6 - 8 hours) is ok, but only very short periods during the day if necessary. If you cover 3 sides of the crate with an old curtain or similar materiel you will make the crate nice & cosey & private, and you'll find that she'll soon enjoy going in there for her reast periods.


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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Caitlin&Roxie Tue Jan 17 2012, 15:24

hey caryll.

i have had her from october so she's still settling in i suppose.
she has plenty of attention, she's never short of kisses and cuddles from me and my partner.

i am thinking of crateing her of a night to stop her from having free rein of the house. the crate would most likely be in our room so she doesnt feel alone, but so she knows where her bed is.

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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17 2012, 16:29

She could still be in the settling in stage, then. It can take a while for them to be totally comfortable in their new surroundings.

She'll come good in the end,just give her a little more time.


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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Caitlin&Roxie Tue Jan 17 2012, 16:36

im thinking of taking her to dog training classes to help with her leash walking aswell. it might be easier having someone who'se expierienced being there to teach me how to be the 'leader' im so soft with her that its going to cause problems. she's already getting to used to being on the bed and just rolls on her back asif to say 'oh no, dont shout at me. im rolling over'. thanks for all the advice everyone
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Ben Tue Jan 17 2012, 20:05

Good idea. Going to training will help you both a lot and is a great way to bond as well.
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Brindlestaffy Tue Jan 17 2012, 20:52

We used a crate with our two to stop the weeing and pooing in the night best thing we ever did, it was getting ridiculous with our two. Every morning I would be mopping wee and poo up, sure fire way to put you off your weetabix!
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17 2012, 21:49

Caitlin&Roxie wrote:im thinking of taking her to dog training classes to help with her leash walking aswell. it might be easier having someone who'se expierienced being there to teach me how to be the 'leader' im so soft with her that its going to cause problems. she's already getting to used to being on the bed and just rolls on her back asif to say 'oh no, dont shout at me. im rolling over'. thanks for all the advice everyone

Good idea, it'll help with socialisation as well!


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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Rocchet Tue Jan 17 2012, 21:58

We have crates for both our dogs and have never had a problem with toileting over night. We only use the crates at night (unless they choose to go in themselves) and they love them. I just tell them to go to bed and they trot in. We then let them out first thing in the morning. Just make sure they are the right size. they should be big enought to lie down flat in and turn around, but any bigger and theyll just go to the toilet at the other end. They love it if introduced properly as it mimicks the den environment. Mine prefer them to be covered by a blanket so they can get some peace. Oh, and if she physically cant hold it, she should whine or bark to let you know she needs to go during the night and you can let her out. Good luck!
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by gem Tue Jan 17 2012, 22:04

Awwww good luck hopefully she will be okay and in a routine Smile
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by spuker1 Tue Jan 17 2012, 22:16

we had the same problem when we first got Mambo...
first, I think you need to give her time. second, you need a routine - same times for the walks, every day. and follow the same houstraining rules as you would if teaching a pup - praising after she does it outside etc etc (I'm sure you've already read a lot about this)

it may also be useful to check if the food you give her is OK. if you recently changed it - this may be the cause, she may still be adjusting. or maybe you need to change it now to some better quality type? and feed her the same time everyday (once or twice a day) so you know when to expect her to poo - for example, we feed Mambo in the morning around 8 and evening around 7. we know he will poo in the morning and at his lunchtime walk.

we're still struggling with his peeing at home though, so I can feel your pain there Sad
we recently bought a crate and are slowly making him used to it.
before, when we had to leave home for longer we were leaving the puppy pads on the floor to save the carpet - but this is not the long term solution.

at the moment we're using the belly band to stop him from peeing at home, but that's an option for a male dog, and it's also not a solution but rather something that may help in house training

I believe you will get there with enough patience and effort!
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Guest Wed Jan 18 2012, 00:30

Patience and routine are essential. Crate training also is a big help. Could it also be that she is going in the same spot all the time. The leftover smell can encourage her to go there.


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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Skullkandi Wed Jan 18 2012, 14:36

Crate or turn her out in the kennel for the night, if you have one in your back-yard.
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arggghhhh! Empty Re: arggghhhh!

Post by Caitlin&Roxie Wed Jan 18 2012, 15:30

spuker1 wrote:we had the same problem when we first got Mambo...
first, I think you need to give her time. second, you need a routine - same times for the walks, every day. and follow the same houstraining rules as you would if teaching a pup - praising after she does it outside etc etc (I'm sure you've already read a lot about this)

it may also be useful to check if the food you give her is OK. if you recently changed it - this may be the cause, she may still be adjusting. or maybe you need to change it now to some better quality type? and feed her the same time everyday (once or twice a day) so you know when to expect her to poo - for example, we feed Mambo in the morning around 8 and evening around 7. we know he will poo in the morning and at his lunchtime walk.

we're still struggling with his peeing at home though, so I can feel your pain there Sad
we recently bought a crate and are slowly making him used to it.
before, when we had to leave home for longer we were leaving the puppy pads on the floor to save the carpet - but this is not the long term solution.

at the moment we're using the belly band to stop him from peeing at home, but that's an option for a male dog, and it's also not a solution but rather something that may help in house training

I believe you will get there with enough patience and effort!

i will try and take her out every morning at the same time.
as sometimes its 8 sometimes its 9.
i work shifts from 6:30am - 2:30pm and from 2-10.
my partner works from 9 to 5.
i will just have to get up at half 4 in the morning to take her for a walk as i live half an hour away from my work and get up at 5 to get the 6am bus.

i will try to crate train her and see how things go.

thanks for the help everyone.
the trainer's coming to see me on sunday so will let you all know what happens after it Smile

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