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Once again... Empty Once again...

Post by Scubasteve Wed Jan 11 2012, 10:04

....our walk has been spoiled by staffie discrimination. Sad Really getting sick of this to be honest. It seems a week can't go by with at least one nasty comment about Tinkerbell because she is a staff. I am beginning to wonder why I bother, no matter where we go we hit these idiots and it destroys what should have been an enjoyable walk. Crying or Very sad
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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by janey Wed Jan 11 2012, 10:08

Sorry your getting so much stick, what happened this time? Xx
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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by Scubasteve Wed Jan 11 2012, 10:16

Same idiots up the school had a go about me taking "that breed" of dog up there. Only took her up because she is normally well behaved up there, do they seriously think I would take a dangerous dog up there with all those children for her to eat?!!

Suppose it doesn't help that she is on a halti because everyone thinks she is muzzled. Not going to take her up there anymore, shame really as it meant we could go straight for a walk after dropping Hollie. And Hollie asked me to take her because she likes meeting Hollie's friend!

Same rubbish with uneducated lowlife's who don't know when to keep their opinions to themselves. One of whom brings a JRT up the school tucked under her arm, no lead and it runs around chasing the kids when they are waiting to go in. The same "lady" (if she can be called that) allows her daughter to walk the dog on the road home from school. One day the little girl was dragging the dog who was trying to poo, the mother turned round saw the dog pooing and just took the lead (yes it was on a lead this time Surprised ) off her daughter and walked on....without stopping to pick the poo up!
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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11 2012, 10:18

you just got to shut off to it karen sadly there are to many uneducated people going round
either that or you be forever be arguing with the idiots Blushing


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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by janey Wed Jan 11 2012, 10:22

Let Hollie take Tinks lead, that will show them Smile
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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by Scubasteve Wed Jan 11 2012, 10:38

Nah not going to bother, can cope with the comments I get when we are walking and the people who drag their kids away and pick their dogs up. Will just have to walk home and then back to the house to take her, going to add an extra 20 mins to my walk to go backwards in going forwards but better than reciving harsh comments. But at least then we can go for a nice walk and enjoy it without dwelling on previous comments.
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11 2012, 10:44

bigwazza wrote:you just got to shut off to it karen sadly there are to many uneducated people going round
either that or you be forever be arguing with the idiots Blushing

I agree - they're just not worth bothering about!

Scubasteve wrote:Nah not going to bother, can cope with the comments I get when we are walking and the people who drag their kids away and pick their dogs up. Will just have to walk home and then back to the house to take her, going to add an extra 20 mins to my walk to go backwards in going forwards but better than reciving harsh comments. But at least then we can go for a nice walk and enjoy it without dwelling on previous comments.

I'd be the opposite, I'm afraid. I'd deliberately take the dog just to get on their nerves! But then I'm a bolshy b*****!! Laughing Laughing Must admit it's been a long time since I allowed other people's ignorant comments bother me.


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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by Scubasteve Wed Jan 11 2012, 10:50

I would but no doubt soon I will get the parents complaining to the school about me taking her up. So will quit whilst I am ahead and in my heart I know she is lovely so that is all that matters.
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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11 2012, 11:42

Aw im so sorry. I have yet to get a bad comment about my dog, but thats probably cause there hasnt been a lot of bad rep of them over her cause theyre not THAT common. The only comments i get are from my aunty who live sin England and is afraid of dogs anyway! And lexi is so friendly to everyone. If i see another dog coming (i nver let her off lead) i will always either pull myself over to the side and hold onto lexi inbetween my legs and ask them to walk past without stopping please or i put lexi to the other side of me and march her on with a smile to the other dog owner.


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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by stiofan Wed Jan 11 2012, 13:13

If i'm going for a walk through streets i cross my road first so the dogs can use the grass and then i cross back before turning into the next street. Yesterday as i went out a woman with two spaniels had just crossed onto my side, saw us and crossed back.I then crossed onto the grass , she crossed back to my side, i crossed to turn the corner and so she crossed back lol. I think she thought i was laughing at her Straight Face
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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by Tyler&megsmum Wed Jan 11 2012, 13:37

I get it all the time,I just ignore the uneducated,ignorant gits and carry on Smile

I show them what a lovely dog and breed I own by ensuring they are well behaved when out in public Smile
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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by Irene Wed Jan 11 2012, 14:30

I had it last week so I sympathise Sad

Having said that I wouldn't stop going up the school, at least your tinkerbell is on a lead unlike the JRT, and if anyone should be getting complaints it should be JRT and owner!

Oh and if I see someone going to leave poo I always say 'are you going to pick that up?' lol

Big hugs to you both x

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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11 2012, 14:46

Luckily we do not have that sort of predjudice here. Some may be scared of us but in general it is about dogs and not the breed. I am inclined to think like Caryll. I would walk Tinks to the school and to hell with the comments. Maybe when they see how well behaved she is it may change their attitudes.



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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by flame Wed Jan 11 2012, 14:47

people get on my last nerve... i didnt take River to pets at home on Saturday cos ppl where i live are much the same. i have had mostly bad reactions to River..i heard one person say when waking past her.." as if she has one of those dogs when she has a little girl." like River was going to eat my daughter.. i just smiled and said laughing to my daughter as i went past.. and to think little red riding hood is an actual story the lady and the lady she was with stood open mouthed and all 3 of us walk walked off.. it is heart breaking thou just let them think what they like uneducated twiglettes..
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Once again... Empty Re: Once again...

Post by Scubasteve Wed Jan 11 2012, 17:54

Thanks guys I may well have to take her back there. Can't tomorrow as my boy starts back in nursery finally after the heating has been on the blink for a week. His nursery have asked that any dog stays back when picking up or dropping off children, no matter what breed. And that is because some of the children are scared of dogs I think, so won't be able to take her until he is next off because both kids are picked up from the same area just next door to each other!
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