Lola & Rihanna

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Thumbsup Lola & Rihanna

Post by mrsxg Tue Jan 03 2012, 14:17

Hi all Smile We rehomed Lola from a local rescue home in Aberdeen Scoltand end of Oct and we've LOVED having her!!
Another 1yr old bitch called Rihanna has become available to rehome and we were wondering if anyone has had experience with 2 bitches of similar ages mixing??

This is Rhianna's page...

This is our girl Lola Smile
Lola & Rihanna Img_1517

Any help or advice would be very much appreciated
Thank you Smile

Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

Status Status :

Location : Inverness
Relationship Status : Engaged
Dogs Name(s) : Lola
Dog(s) Ages : 6yrs
Dog Gender(s) : Female
Join date : 2011-10-29
Support total : 28
Posts : 478


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Thumbsup Re: Lola & Rihanna

Post by janey Tue Jan 03 2012, 14:19

I haven't myself but it can work if you have the time and patience to make it work! Good luck she looks like a right little poppet Smile

Happy new year also!! Xx
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Thumbsup Re: Lola & Rihanna

Post by Scubasteve Tue Jan 03 2012, 16:40

I haven't either, but there are a few owners on here with more than one dog. Good luck with it, and happy new year to you too!
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Thumbsup Re: Lola & Rihanna

Post by Guest Tue Jan 03 2012, 19:29

I haven't either. I would recommend seeing if the rescue center will let you see how the dogs interact and maybe go for a walk. Also you might want to bring something with each dogs scent into the other ones sleeping area and leave it there so they will get used to the smell


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Thumbsup Re: Lola & Rihanna

Post by Kathy Tue Jan 03 2012, 19:37

JStaff beat me to it. I would also recommend asking the shelter if you can take Lola in to meet Rihanna. They may well suggest this to you anyway. I'm sure they would want to be sure that the two dogs are going to get on well before you rehome the second one.
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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Thumbsup Re: Lola & Rihanna

Post by Guest Tue Jan 03 2012, 20:02

I haven't had experience with having more than one of the same sex but i do have the two 1 of each .. i heard that the two females is alot more hard work than say two boys but that could be a load of rubbish lol.
i know when i added skye to my home vinnie was about 9months old nearly 10months old at the time and had been socialised since i had him at 11wks, and skye was 8wks .. it was me watching them both with eagle eyes for the first month or two! not because vinnie was aggressive because he dont have a nasty bone in his body but because she was so tiny compared to him and staffys play very rough! and he didnt get that she was too small to play rough for a while but he got it in the end .. they both ADORE each other.
you know what they say when having two .. they are double the trouble but twice the fun Big Grin

Last edited by staffy-lover89 on Tue Jan 03 2012, 20:34; edited 1 time in total


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Thumbsup Re: Lola & Rihanna

Post by Guest Tue Jan 03 2012, 20:28

no i have 2 but different sex. we got lemmy at 8 weeks and when he was 10 months we adopted lottie. the first meeting should be made before you go ahead so you can see how they get on. we took lemmy along to meet lottie and the first few seconds were hairy but they have been great since. if both dogs are neutered you won't have the hormonal rush to worry about so maybe there won't be any problems. ask the rescue centre after all they will want the dog to goae dvise for you.

hope all goes well tey both look great and Rhianna is coming from a nice home so there should be no reall behaviour problems


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