Death roll crocodile style?!

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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Scubasteve Tue Dec 27 2011, 21:31

Ok so Tinkerbell has decided she knows how to escape the garden, since finding a hole under the fence. In the last 2 days she has been out 3 times into the back lane.

A few doors down, there's a guy that lives with a rottweiler and two jack russels, one of which is allowed to roam the streets as and when she feels like it. She comes up to the fence and entices Tinker into a play. Tinkerbell obviously can't resist to goes under the fence to get to her Laughing

Her recall has gone backwards and is now non-existent. Surprised Anyway about 5 mins before my parents are due to arrive here, I let her out for a wee and go back in to finish making a cup of tea for Ian. Head back to the garden and there is no sight of her. Grab my shoes and leg it out into the lane and call her.
I then see two ladies walking in the lane being jumped on by none other than Tinkerbell. They shouted to ask if she was mine and grab her by the collar until I get there. Apparently she had been playing with a dog, who was now back in it's own garden.

I thank them for catching her and grip her collar to take her home.....the little monster death rolls like a crocodile and breaks free. I grab her again by the collar and she drops to the floor and rolls again. She knows that if she does this she either forces me to leave go or I have to to prevent her choking.

So I have to pick the lump up and carry her back home (she is sooooooo going on a diet) Laughing

And this has been our life pretty much for the last few days. There is now a temporary makeshift fireguard attached to hole in fence to stop her getting out again.

We now think it's safe to let her out this evening, so Ian does so. Only to find 5 minutes later she has gone again. Carrying her back earlier I had left the gate unlocked, she barged against it, opened it and ran off once again into the lane to play! Laughing

She is now in the doghouse (crate) looking very sorry for herself and has been begging to go back out and play! No chance until bedtime wee missus! Wink
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by janey Tue Dec 27 2011, 21:37

Bless the wee Houdini!

I think you really need to de-staff the garden, imagine what could happen if there aren't people with an eye out?! Xx
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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Guest Tue Dec 27 2011, 21:39

Tinkerbell you little devil


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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Scubasteve Tue Dec 27 2011, 21:42

janey wrote:

Bless the wee Houdini!

I think you really need to de-staff the garden, imagine what could happen if there aren't people with an eye out?! Xx

We thought it was de-staffed as she never bothered trying to get out before. There was a gap under the fence, and it was pulled down not long after we had her and clipped. But next on the agenda is a solid wooden fence all the way around the garden! We had been discussing it a couple of weeks ago anyway to make it nicer but it is now a priority so will be done very soon!
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Guest Wed Dec 28 2011, 08:36

OMG, it's nice to know that My RoXy is not the only one to do this ( not escaping the garden, but the "death roll" as you call it )

If she is playing up inside the house and I try to get her collar, she will do the same thing....roll around almost snapping fingers. If and when you find out how to stop it, i'd LOVE to know


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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Guest Wed Dec 28 2011, 09:12

Tut tut naughty tinkerbell lol .. Skye was the same! And then vinnie started it too! .. So we have had to fence of one part for em' untill our new fences are put up next year! Its so annoying cuz we have a massive garden they would run around all day if u let em but now they cant for a while.
Lil buggers


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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Guest Wed Dec 28 2011, 13:34

Oh I can so sympathise on both the escape and the death roll! I seperated the driveway from the rest of the garden so that Ty could not rush out when the gate was open or get in the way of the car driving in. Recently he found he could force a gap in the fencing with his head and squeeze through. Although he cannot get into the street, I have to stop the car, get out, and check that he is behind the fence before opening and driving in. The gate is solid BTW so cant see beyond. He is also learned very quickly that if he pushed hard enough, the back door would open (slip the catch).

As for the roll, well he does it everytime I need to grab him by the collar!


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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Dan Wed Dec 28 2011, 15:03

Tinks you naughty lol
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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by dave g Wed Dec 28 2011, 18:22

They only need a smell of freedom and there off.
dave g
dave g
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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Ben Wed Dec 28 2011, 18:41

And here I was thinking Monte's recall was only so-so. Hope he doesn't read this and get ideas!
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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Guest Wed Dec 28 2011, 19:51

yep that hole will be getting bigger i know what your OH will be doing at the weekend. NEW FENCE dont envy him that job. she's a little tinker all right bless her to her its fun and she doesnt think she's doing anything wrong to you it s a head ache.


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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Scubasteve Wed Dec 28 2011, 20:37

Lol glad I dont have the only dog who thinks she is a crocodile doing this death roll. She rolled so much a couple of months ago when I gripped her to bring her in from the garden, that I had to scream for Ian to get her collar off, my fingers were trapped and she was choking....little madam!

Yes new fence is indeed on the agenda. Our neighbours both sides have moved out, and in the area we live in I don't really know what to expect of the next lot of neighbours. Knowing our luck they will have dogs too, or cats or be a family petrified of dogs, so we do want to fence off the whole garden to seperate us from both sides anyway. Tinkerbell obviosuly wanted this done as soon as possible!
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29 2011, 10:18

our last dog a GSD made a hole in the fence but it was only big enough for his head so the cat next door would sit and tease him till he stuck his head through then attack it. stupid dog fell for it almost every day till we fixed it before he looked like a bate dog with his cat scarred face stupid hound. luckily lemmy and lottie havent tried it yet. their recall is rubbish they have selective hearing while playing so i wouldnt stand a chance getting them back (lemmy did come back once when he got out but i think it might have been a one off so dont want a repeat) they do the craziest funniest things do animals thats why i love them. hope you dont have any more escape attempts for a while i think you will need a rest after the last few days chases Laughing


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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29 2011, 10:38

Suki escaped once as well. Thankfully our landlord who lives next door was outside and she ran right over to him. She does the roll as well but only when we are playing tug.


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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29 2011, 10:47

Ty has a selective recall. 80% of the time at the park, one of the other dog owners have to grab him as he runs past otherwise I am just part of the best chasing game ever.


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Death roll crocodile style?! Empty Re: Death roll crocodile style?!

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