Izzy can swim. Yeh!!

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Angel Izzy can swim. Yeh!!

Post by Guest Mon Dec 26 2011, 16:15

A few months ago, Izzy jumped into the river where we walk and as it was much deeper than she realised, she went straight under. Since then she hasn't taken one paw off the bottom even when I was in the water with her.
We took the girls down to the foreshore for a cool down today and as per usual Izzy drinks the water and next thing you know the little green bag is whipped out and it's up to the bin with it.
While my back was turned to stop Izzy first then Kita from following Trevor, Izzy decided to just "go for it" and when I turned back around she was a fair way from the shore swimming madly away. No time to get the camera back out as I'm madly calling her back. She scares me when she does things like that I dont want to s

We gave her plenty of time to play and get her confidence up, staying for at least another 30-45 minutes.
Now she just loves the water and did not want to get out when it was time to leave.
This is all I could manage, but Trevor got some better footage from where he was standing. Of course I was the "stick thrower"

Izzy can swim. Yeh!! Th_00053

Izzy can swim. Yeh!! Th_00055


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Angel Re: Izzy can swim. Yeh!!

Post by Guest Mon Dec 26 2011, 16:55

What brilliant news, there will be no stopping her now

Fab pics


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Angel Re: Izzy can swim. Yeh!!

Post by Guest Mon Dec 26 2011, 16:59

Brave girl Izzy. Well done


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Angel Re: Izzy can swim. Yeh!!

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