No quarter given

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No quarter given Empty No quarter given

Post by Guest Fri Dec 23 2011, 18:55

OMG I walked Tyson and Endo the bulldog for 30 minutes this evening (Endo is very unfit and starts making the most God awful gutteral noises when he is tired) around 5.30pm. Got home and they HAVE NOT STOPPED. On and on they go with the play fighting like gladiators in training. It is pouring with rain outside, there is mud from one end of the house to the other, it stinks in here of wet dog and dog breath and all I can hear is 'ghah ghah ghah".

I have been watching closely to see if there is any agression in their mock fighting and there is none. The boys are well matched with the bully having about a 2kg advantage. Its actually facinating to see that the Staffy is faster and tends to out move the bully most of the time. Niether one will give up however.

They did take a break for their dinner ritual but it was a short respite. Anyhow, I am praying that they will eventually exhaust each other and fall aslewep for the rest of the night!


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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Steve Fri Dec 23 2011, 19:03

Laughing my sam and billie is like that

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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Kathy Fri Dec 23 2011, 19:06

You wish Laughing I do hope you get a quiet evening though
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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Andy Fri Dec 23 2011, 19:18

LoL ... thats brilliant Big Grin ... I'd love to see Max in with those two Laughing
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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Guest Fri Dec 23 2011, 19:28

I think they may both defer to Max! He looks very well built


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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Andy Fri Dec 23 2011, 19:34

Laughing ... they'd deffo all knacker themselves out Big Grin
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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Guest Fri Dec 23 2011, 20:05

know that feeling. no let up all day except for a quick afternoon nap and toilet break then its all go again


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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Guest Fri Dec 23 2011, 21:52

Trying to get to sleep. They appeared to go with the plan for about ten minutes so now the at again. I am going to let them get on withit as there is little I can do and deal with the devestation in the morning Straight Face


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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Steve Fri Dec 23 2011, 21:56

soon or later they be fast asleep sboring their heads off

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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Ben Fri Dec 23 2011, 21:58

They will eventually fall over exhausted! I bet they sleep for 12 hours straight after that!
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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Guest Fri Dec 23 2011, 22:09

AT this stage I might slip them some sedative. It has gone midnight already. On top of all this Endo has been through. Yhe house marking. I dont want to s


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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Guest Fri Dec 23 2011, 22:32

well you did say you would deal with the after math in the morning. night night Big Grin


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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Guest Sat Dec 24 2011, 01:25

I'm sure they will wear themselves out eventually. Do you have a video or did you already post one and I just missed it?


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No quarter given Empty Re: No quarter given

Post by Guest Sat Dec 24 2011, 01:38

Theiare dtill at it

(eeeek Note to self: Do Not try post via Blackberry without glasses on) Sorry everyone for the huge typo


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