Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue

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Sleepy Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue

Post by Skullkandi Tue Nov 29 2011, 23:24

This broke my heart when I found out it was true...I just can't believe this, well actually, that's the sad thing, none of this surprises me, but still it saddens me.

Junior is afraid/wary of large built men and they cannot pet him for at least a good 5 hours when he meets them. He needs to get to know them first but will slink-trot away on his belly when they enter a room and I'm not there. If I am there, he will either, go behind my legs, press against my legs, or stand in front of me in a wary/protective stance...and it's the 75% chance he will growl...and that sound...is the sound of thunder.

Did I mention he was/is hit? Not my me, dear lord no...but one of his owners...I know he is definitely handled roughly.
But it's showing. He clings to me. He doesn't just jump up to me and bounce off...no...he CLINGS to me. Claws and dew claws curled and gripped onto me in an attempt to hold on, with his face either buried in the crook of my arm or under my armpit (odd place, but its dark and warm). And he will stay there until he feels secure...and stay more. I never shake him off and I have spent up to 2 hours on my bed with him curled into me, crying. He's crying and I'm talking to him softly and playing music in the background. I will also read to him to calm him. I will never turn him away, because I know how VITAL it is for him to be held and loved and fussed.

I now play with him at random intervals and hold conversations with him. He is so PUPPY like in mentality, and I've had to do right back to basics, but I don't mind. In fact, I find it fun and educational...and he's decided I am someone WORTH protecting (he saved me 5 days back from a mugging...off his own back). And he is decidedly loyal to me.
I share almost everything I have with him now, he gets the best of life with but is not spoilt, and he likes it, no loves it. Listens beautifully, is alert and watchful, he teaches me how to look, approach and act around him, what motions have been used to possibly hurt him and I in turn am teaching him, whichever way I approach him...I will never hurt him. And he is learning to trust me. He has never growled at me...never...even when my nose is touching his. I can place my forehead against his and he will be relaxed and wag his tail, properly wag it, not fear-wag, and press his head up against mine. We watch comedy together and listen to dubstep together. Play, laughter and fun is now his life with me. He had taken it upon himself to become my full-time protector and play-mate...all because I changed the way I viewed him and looked at him.
It's taken me just under 3 years to work him out...but we've got there...and I will do EVERYTHING in my power to rescue this brilliant animal.

I view him as MY dog, and NO-ONE hits my animals.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue Top_ra10

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Sleepy Re: Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue

Post by Guest Tue Nov 29 2011, 23:27

Wow, poor little guy!

I'm sure that if you keep working with him as you are, he'll come on leaps & bounds!


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Sleepy Re: Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue

Post by stella Wed Nov 30 2011, 21:23

hi jazz sounds like he is really starting to trust you,keep doing what your doing with him,sounds like its working,is he with you full time now,from what you've said sounds like he loves you loads,well done you Big Grin
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Sleepy Re: Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue

Post by Skullkandi Wed Nov 30 2011, 21:25

Heya guys :3 Trust flows both ways.
He's not with me full time, that is an ongoing project of mine, which I will hopefully sort out soon <3
Thank you for the praise and encouragement, means a lot.
I love the bear x
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue Top_ra10

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Sleepy Re: Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue

Post by Ben Wed Nov 30 2011, 21:27

Aww, poor boy, but good thing he has you. Keep up the good work!
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Sleepy Re: Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue

Post by Guest Wed Nov 30 2011, 21:32

Fantastic story , please keep up the good work, I'm not a salesman but have you heard of Thundershirts , it may help you in your work. We have just bought Tilly one to try and keep her calm in the car but it is basically a cuddle coat and sounds like it is so appropriate to help this poor little bugger along


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Sleepy Re: Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue

Post by Skullkandi Wed Nov 30 2011, 21:33

davemck3834 wrote:Fantastic story , please keep up the good work, I'm not a salesman but have you heard of Thundershirts , it may help you in your work. We have just bought Tilly one to try and keep her calm in the car but it is basically a cuddle coat and sounds like it is so appropriate to help this poor little bugger along

Yeah, thundershirts look like the way to go :3 Thing is, I'm working the "system" here, I'm going to see if his current owners would consider purchasing one, if not, I might just throw myself forward for this <3
And yeah, I think it would work wonders on him.
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Sleepy Re: Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue

Post by Skullkandi Wed Nov 30 2011, 21:56

davemck3834 wrote:Jazz , I'm missing the point here I think , are you telling me your working with the dog for 3 years and he's being beaten by his owners for 3 years?? I couldn't stand to be on the outside of something like that

Indeed, but my situation is complicated but as I said, I am working on it.
I'm doing what I can to keep him safe and sane and also talk to the owners about him, and it's starting to work.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Horrible News/Updates/Improvements & Rescue Top_ra10

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