letting puppy off the lead??

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letting puppy off the lead?? Empty letting puppy off the lead??

Post by Rochelle121 Tue Nov 22 2011, 15:22

Hello everyone Smile
At what age would you recommend letting a puppy off the lead?
My little pup is very well behaved and im astonished at how easy he has been to train basic commands and at how quickly he has picked them up Smile hes good around other dogs allthough he does still growl if they bark at him or go for him...he knows his name and allways answers when called plus i have treats to coax him back and inforce positive behaviour,he is however still only 6months old and as ive only owned staffy adults before this is new to me so any advice at all would be great Smile thank you,

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letting puppy off the lead?? Empty Re: letting puppy off the lead??

Post by Polly Pocket Tue Nov 22 2011, 16:07

Polly was off her lead from about 3 - 4 months, but we do live very rurally and we do have 2 other dogs that she was very happy to stay close to and come back when they did. She has learned to come back by watching them and is totally at ease with horses, donkeys, other dogs and people we see out and about, coming back when called 9 times out of ten or sitting down and waiting for me other times, although rabbits are seen as lunch on the run letting puppy off the lead?? 529636 One of our other dogs is a JR cross and we have never been able to train him out of that habbit so Pol likes to chase them too. Oh and after the dogs were attacked by a couple of feral cats in the lane once she goes on her lead if we see a cat too now.
Polly is coming up on 10 months now and is starting to push boundries but even if her recall lapses from time to time she freezes at the stay command.
I suppose it depends where you live and where he is going to be off lead.
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letting puppy off the lead?? Empty Re: letting puppy off the lead??

Post by Guest Tue Nov 22 2011, 16:11

We started letting harvey off lead at about 13-14 weeks old and has always been very good with recall Smile


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letting puppy off the lead?? Empty Re: letting puppy off the lead??

Post by Rochelle121 Tue Nov 22 2011, 16:24

Thanks for the advice..i live in the city so i am very concernd with the traffic and losing him forever :S i have let him off jus for a few minutes here and there although there is still a moment of panic when he sees a bird :O but im positive it wont be much longer till hes off the lead in the parks..im still testing the waters with him right now i supose Smile

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letting puppy off the lead?? Empty Re: letting puppy off the lead??

Post by Rochelle121 Tue Nov 22 2011, 16:25

Atleast i know hes at a good age,i dnt want to jump the gun with this Smile

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letting puppy off the lead?? Empty Re: letting puppy off the lead??

Post by angeloreyes27 Mon Nov 28 2011, 16:02

I Find it Funny how my dog has mor respect for me off the leash than on lolol

We had Dexter of the leash around 12 Weeks, I too live in a City,

I guess it finding the correct location to let him run loose,

the beach is his favourite
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letting puppy off the lead?? Empty Re: letting puppy off the lead??

Post by Guest Mon Nov 28 2011, 16:16

Yes i agree a beach is a good place to let them off lead Smile Harvey loves the beach!


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letting puppy off the lead?? Empty Re: letting puppy off the lead??

Post by Guest Mon Nov 28 2011, 20:49

We only let Suki off lead on the beach or in the dog park. Her recall is good but I wouldn't take a chance anywhere else. A long lead will let them have a bit more freedom though.


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letting puppy off the lead?? Empty Re: letting puppy off the lead??

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