Lottie goes to school

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Lottie goes to school Empty Lottie goes to school

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07 2011, 20:32

well its Lemmy's second day at school in the 4th class tomorrow and Lottie has her assessment too. Will let you know how she gets on and will get some pics and maybe a vid. She will then be booked into the appropriate class for her. As we have been training Lemmy and just going about our normal day to day business they have both been doing the same anyway so she already knows a few more things that we have taught her in the week she has been here. She knew sit and stay (although not for long or if you were out of sight) but now we can leave them sat and walk away without them following every time. She knows DOWN which she does with enthusiasm and throws herself on the floor. They go BACK when told but its not so good if its to let someone in the door cos they are happy to see. She will SIT and WAIT at the road side. Today we had to laugh cos Lemmy rolls over and plays dead when you say BANG and shoot him so Lottie decided to give it a go without being prompted for her. Pete shot Lemmy so he rolled and Lottie watched then threw herself on the floor but landed on poor Lemmy. She squiches him the poor little man. They both got a treat and she knew she had done something good cos her tail wagged and she looked so pleased with herself. We leave them both in the same room at night and they sleep together. Lemmy hasnt come in to sleep with me for 2 nights now. My little man is growing up he has his big sister for company at night now. They are both happy and play nice they have only been told a couple of times if the play gets too boisterous or intense. Long story this I know but I am so pleased at their interaction and behaviour together and so proud Lottie feels she is home. She doesnt even eat her dinner as fast cos she knows that like her foster mum we will feed her regularly.


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Lottie goes to school Empty Re: Lottie goes to school

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07 2011, 20:34

Sounds like he is coming along well. Good luck with the classes.


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Lottie goes to school Empty Re: Lottie goes to school

Post by janey Mon Nov 07 2011, 20:41

Fab update, really chuffed for you all Smile
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Lottie goes to school Empty Re: Lottie goes to school

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07 2011, 21:09

That sounds really good! She's settling very quickly isn't she?

Can't wait to see the pics of the training!


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Lottie goes to school Empty Re: Lottie goes to school

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08 2011, 08:29

what a lovely update it sounds like everything is goping so well, good luck at the training and dont forget pics



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Lottie goes to school Empty Re: Lottie goes to school

Post by Nosipho Tue Nov 08 2011, 13:50

Brilliant, sounds like they are getting on fantastically. I'm sure Lottie really appreciates being given structure and routine, sounds like she is thriving Smile
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Lottie goes to school Empty Re: Lottie goes to school

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08 2011, 16:07

Awesome and I love your posts. You make me seriously think about getting another puppy.


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Lottie goes to school Empty Re: Lottie goes to school

Post by alexiastra Wed Nov 09 2011, 09:39

Aww, so pleased things are going well. Great update Smile
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Lottie goes to school Empty Re: Lottie goes to school

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09 2011, 09:57

Aw how cute! I have to say i'm an awful trainer for tricks, i just don't get them lol i have sit and stay and wait and "stop what your doing" which is the most important. i tried my hardest to get paw but the big tub just rolls over anytime you go to the ground to try and pick up her paw lol and her "down" is just her rolling on to her back, so really i should make that a play dead...hmm...she does more than i thought


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