advice on introducing a new friend to my puppy

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advice on introducing a new friend to my puppy Empty advice on introducing a new friend to my puppy

Post by bear21911 Sat Sep 24 2011, 13:26

My mate has a year old Beagle and we meet every week at her house for coffee and chats, obviously I would like Bear to become part of this.

We shall meet the first few times on neutral ground, probably the park near her house, till the boys get to know each other. We can then see if they can get on.

What I need is some tips on how to introduce Bear into my friend house without upsetting her dog??


Many thanks xx

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advice on introducing a new friend to my puppy Empty Re: advice on introducing a new friend to my puppy

Post by janey Sat Sep 24 2011, 17:00

To be honest I think it will be fine, your doing the right thing by introducing them first on neutral ground, just keep an eye on there play as I'm not sure how resillient Beagles are to a hyper puppy!!

Oh and when you do meet, pics please Big Grin
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advice on introducing a new friend to my puppy Empty Re: advice on introducing a new friend to my puppy

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24 2011, 19:57

You're on the right track. Walking them together is always a good idea and make sure yours is well exercised before the meeting and it should work out.


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advice on introducing a new friend to my puppy Empty Re: advice on introducing a new friend to my puppy

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24 2011, 20:35

As Janey and jstaff have said, you've already laid the foundations for a good meeting. When you do take Bear to the house, do it calmly, like it's no big deal, let them have a sniff of each other's bums and get on with it. I'm sure it'll be fine Smile


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