Three Different dogs!

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Three Different dogs! Empty Three Different dogs!

Post by Guest Thu Sep 01 2011, 22:29

Three very different Dogs!
They have all been brought up the same way, same basic training, all their needs met, all socialised the same way sure enough all have needed different ways/techniques but my three dogs couldn't be more different and its puzzling i know every dog has their own personality and all, they have alot in common and yet their are so very different.
Taz doesn't like other dogs, he wouldn't start a fight but he also doesn't want them around him, simple as.
Towards humans he is neutral to him oh look just another two legged i'll have a sniff then ignore them completly.
Cassie Loves dogs and people perhaps a little too much! a little too over the top when it comes to excitment she really wants to be in their faces literally.
Blondy recently has become very anti person and dog!!! she doesn't act aggressive around them but she does charge them barking and growling then she'll sniff at them then run off still growling and barking, she even does it to family until she realises it is them.
If she is on the lead she will growl and bark at people and dogs, if we're sat down somewhere she will just stand there (never lays down or sits down) growling and barking at nothing i was told she could be hyper sensitive.
I need to nip this in the bud asap at the end of the day she may not do it aggressively but people do not know that! and it is getting out of control really I'v applied every training technique i know of.
Using treats/toys/corrections I stuck to each one for a over a couple of months as this is not a new behaviour but it has seemed to of gotten worse.
I need help with this one Blondy yappy mutt lol.


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Three Different dogs! Empty Re: Three Different dogs!

Post by Guest Thu Sep 01 2011, 22:52

What exactly have you tried with her, Claire?


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Three Different dogs! Empty Re: Three Different dogs!

Post by gem Thu Sep 01 2011, 23:17

I think its the same for most Claire I have 2 and have to say that they are complete opposites in every way, they have been brought up and trained in exactly the same way and they are so different . Smile
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Three Different dogs! Empty Re: Three Different dogs!

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02 2011, 01:03

Caryll wrote:What exactly have you tried with her, Claire?

I'v used family to treat her when she is nice but that didn't work at all as the initial run towards the family members she was still growling and barking, she was told to sit and once she did she was rewarded but that to me seemed more like rewarding her for the close contact not the actual running towards them part.
When people have approached, I had all three of them sit looking at me treating when they listened and it worked but when the person had past some distance away she still growled and barked at them.
I'v tried verbal commands while she is doing it, A firm leave it command (which she other wise know in other situations) but that didn't work.
Lead correction short and sharp mainly to snap her out of her current intent/thought which works for seconds then she goes back to the growling and barking Sad (i don't want to keep on correcting her, she may become numb to it or resent the lead)
I bought a childs little water gun and squirted her with it (without her knowing it is me)Don't want her to associate bad things with me. but i got no reaction mainly just an annoyed look, I tried a sound clap of my hands a loud one.
When we have been sitting down and someone is coming I'v scruffed her cheek/side of her neck only gently to get her to look at me but this worked like the treats and once the persons/dogs have past she has then growled or barked once again.
I'v threw one of her sponge balls near her when she is darting towards people to distract her away from them, she wonders where it came from then continues with what she was doing.
Again when someone is coming iv petted and made a fuss of her but once she reacts badly to the persons or dog i'v stopped all contact and moved her away from me, Ignoring the bad reward the good doesn't work either! at wits end


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Three Different dogs! Empty Re: Three Different dogs!

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02 2011, 04:09

Sounds as if you are doing all the right things. I know she is getting enough exercise so I won't ask that.

Was there some tramatic event that would cause her to be aggressive? It could also be something you are not aware of. For instance do you keep her outside when you are not at home? If so there is a chance a kid is throwing rocks at her or antaginizing her someother way so she is being defensive.

Have you spoken with a vet about the behaviour issue. Sometimes there are physical reasons that dogs start to be aggressive so it could be a health issue and she is being aggressive because she is ill.

Also and I hesitate to bring this up but on occasion a dog can sometimes have a change in personality at the 18-24 month mark as they are becoming fully physically mature and forming an identity. I've known dogs that were great with people and other animals and at that age for some strange reason they simply don't like other animals or people anymore.

Don't know if this helps at all and I wish you the best of luck.


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Three Different dogs! Empty Re: Three Different dogs!

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02 2011, 08:07

jstaff wrote:Sounds as if you are doing all the right things. I know she is getting enough exercise so I won't ask that.

Was there some tramatic event that would cause her to be aggressive? It could also be something you are not aware of. For instance do you keep her outside when you are not at home? If so there is a chance a kid is throwing rocks at her or antaginizing her someother way so she is being defensive.

Have you spoken with a vet about the behaviour issue. Sometimes there are physical reasons that dogs start to be aggressive so it could be a health issue and she is being aggressive because she is ill.

Also and I hesitate to bring this up but on occasion a dog can sometimes have a change in personality at the 18-24 month mark as they are becoming fully physically mature and forming an identity. I've known dogs that were great with people and other animals and at that age for some strange reason they simply don't like other animals or people anymore.

Don't know if this helps at all and I wish you the best of luck.

I don't leave my lot outside never will lol I wouldn't trust people around her as far as i could throw them and she is only 12 months today actually lol, no, no traumatic situation, perhaps she has it too easy even.
I'v checked with a the vets, I know she isn't in any kind of pain or discomfort, although the for a couple of months now she is covered in scratches, cuts and bumps (she tends to run through nettles and brambles like their nothing/following her dad) But this behaviour started long before that.


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Three Different dogs! Empty Re: Three Different dogs!

Post by Scubasteve Fri Sep 02 2011, 08:31

I have no idea. We had a collie that chased cars, bikes, vans and pretty much anything that moved fast. We hired a professional behabiourist for him and the only thing she could suggest was the watch command. Basically when he saw a moving vehicle while out on a walk we were told to turn his back to it, make him sit and get him to keep watching us. Treats worked at first to get him to learn the watch command, and it did work for an extent as he was distracted by the vehicle because he had to concentrate on me to get the reward he wanted. We changed the reward then to a tennis ball because he was ball mad so that worked better for him.
Not sure if this would work with you, but could be worth a try. Although not sure if after she had watched you and the initial distraction had passed, that she would then walk away growling anyway.

Not sure what else to suggest as you seem to have already tried so many different things.
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Three Different dogs! Empty Re: Three Different dogs!

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02 2011, 08:32

i suppose they are just like children, none of mine are the same, they look like each other but that is as far as it goes.

good luck with blondie



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Three Different dogs! Empty Re: Three Different dogs!

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02 2011, 09:12

MissRogue wrote:
jstaff wrote:Sounds as if you are doing all the right things. I know she is getting enough exercise so I won't ask that.

Was there some tramatic event that would cause her to be aggressive? It could also be something you are not aware of. For instance do you keep her outside when you are not at home? If so there is a chance a kid is throwing rocks at her or antaginizing her someother way so she is being defensive.

Have you spoken with a vet about the behaviour issue. Sometimes there are physical reasons that dogs start to be aggressive so it could be a health issue and she is being aggressive because she is ill.

Also and I hesitate to bring this up but on occasion a dog can sometimes have a change in personality at the 18-24 month mark as they are becoming fully physically mature and forming an identity. I've known dogs that were great with people and other animals and at that age for some strange reason they simply don't like other animals or people anymore.

Don't know if this helps at all and I wish you the best of luck.

I don't leave my lot outside never will lol I wouldn't trust people around her as far as i could throw them and she is only 12 months today actually lol, no, no traumatic situation, perhaps she has it too easy even.
I'v checked with a the vets, I know she isn't in any kind of pain or discomfort, although the for a couple of months now she is covered in scratches, cuts and bumps (she tends to run through nettles and brambles like their nothing/following her dad) But this behaviour started long before that.

I'm really not sure what else to try. Perhaps introducing her to people and other animals in a neutral setting after she is exercised. Have the person wait for her to make contact and wait for her to accept the person and keep repeating.


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Three Different dogs! Empty Re: Three Different dogs!

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02 2011, 10:27

hmmmm it isnt really great shes not good with humans i agree its something u wanna nip in the bud but dont no what else to suggest as u are doing everything i would do. u think it may be an issue caused by the inbreading or am i way off the mark?


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Three Different dogs! Empty Re: Three Different dogs!

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02 2011, 15:31

She always meets people and dogs on neutral grounds. always on our walks etc.
Blaze I doubt it is because of the inbreeding to be honest but i honestly wouldn't know i have only ever looked up physical damage of inbreeding.


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Three Different dogs! Empty Re: Three Different dogs!

Post by Guest Fri Sep 02 2011, 19:44

hmmm i wouldnt no either to be honest was just wondering if it was maybe a mental thing (that sounds really bad) lol but u no what i mean!!


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