Training A Puppy To Walk On A Lead

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lock Training A Puppy To Walk On A Lead

Post by Steve Sun Oct 28 2012, 17:11

Frequently Asked Questions

Training A Puppy

To Walk On A Lead

Training A Puppy To Walk On A Lead

One of the first things you need to teach your young puppy is how to behave on a lead. It is a crucial skill to master for both you and your dog's future. After training a puppy to walk on a lead they are much safer and more manageable, plus it means walkies is an experience you can both look forward to and enjoy.

Puppy lead training

The fact that you are reading this article Training a Puppy to Walk on a Lead probably means that you have a young puppy who needs to be lead trained. This is a great position to be in, as it is much easier to train a puppy the right way to walk on a leash, rather than trying to re-train an older dog.

If you follow the steps outlined below you should have your puppy lead trained within a couple of weeks.

Don't just expect your puppy to know this stuff! Your goal is to clearly communicate to your dog, what is acceptable behavior on the leash, and what is not. Please be aware that everybody who takes your puppy for an on lead walk must convey a consistent message or set of rules to your dog.

How To Train Your Puppy

Step 1
This first step can begin as soon as your puppy arrives at his new home. All it involves is getting your young pup familiar with and comfortable wearing a collar. A simple light weight leather collar is ideal for this task.

Place it on your puppy when you feed him or as you are playing, this provides a bit of a distraction from the collar. He'll probably roll around trying to dislodge it, or try his best to scratch it off. When he is doing this it is important that you don't take it off him. Wait till he has settled down and forgotten about it before you take it off.

Step 2
Once your puppy is happy wearing his new collar, it is time to introduce the lead. Same thing again here, you just want to get him comfortable with the leash, and to show him the lead is not to be feared. Any light weight, thin lead is fine for this step. You can buy your puppy a fancy leather lead after he is properly lead trained if you choose. All you need to do is clip the leash onto his collar, let him check it out and drag it around the house (always under your supervision). He'll forget about it after a while.

Step 3
Now that your puppy is comfortable in his collar and with the lead, it is time to pick up the other end of the lead. Make these first lead training sessions short, sharp and fun. At this early stage you will probably find that your puppy loves to follow you around everywhere - use this to your advantage.

To start with just walk around the house with the lead in hand, and your puppy trotting along side you. When he is walking along on a loose lead give him plenty of praise, petting and even some treats. When he strains on the lead, stop immediately. Don't yank him back over to you with the lead, just call him back over to you and praise him when he comes. Never ever keep walking when your puppy is pulling on the lead, this only rewards his behavior and reinforces the habit.

Your puppy has to learn that when he pulls on the lead, he gets nowhere. If he wants to continue walking, it has to be by your side on a loose leash. The same rule applies if your puppy sits down when you are walking. Don't yank him forward towards you, just call him over and reward him when he arrives. Then set off walking again with your puppy by your side.

training a puppy to walk on a lead

This method of training a puppy to walk on a lead is suited to very young puppies, it requires no pulling from you or your dog. The result is a nice loose lead hanging down between you and your dog. All it takes to achieve this is to follow the above steps, then apply some patience and persistence.

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