How To Stop Your Staffie Jumping Up

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lock How To Stop Your Staffie Jumping Up

Post by Steve Sun Jun 24 2012, 15:55

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Stop Your

Staffie Jumping Up

How To Stop Your Staffie Jumping Up

An enthusiastic greeting from your dog can be flattering. But too much enthusiasm can frighten some people or mess up a nice outfit just as you're heading out. Owners and visitors alike hate it when your dog unexpectedly jumps up on you, knocking you down, getting you dirty or spilling your packages. Here's how to stop that unwanted jumping.

Ignore Method

  1. When the dog's feet first leave the ground, quickly turn your back on the dog.
  2. As the dog paws at your back or legs, ignore it completely. Do not even look at it. If it circles around in front of you and jumps up again, turn your back again.
  3. Continue doing this until the dog chooses a more desirable behavior, such as sitting, standing still, or even turning to leave. The instant this happens, immediately turn your attention to the dog and praise and pet them.
  4. If the attention causes your dog to stop the desirable behavior and begin jumping again, immediately withdraw your attention and turn your back again.
  5. Continue this cycle until the dog is calm and no longer jumping. This method is based on the idea that any type of attention, even negative attention, reinforces that jumping on you gets your attention. Therefore, to get your dog to stop, teach them that jumping on you does NOT get your attention.

Sit Method

  1. Teach your dog how to sit if you haven't already. This will give your dog a replacement behavior for greeting you.
  2. When you are leaving or returning to your house (or whenever it is that your dog normally jumps on you), give the "sit" command before your dog starts to jump.
    If your dog sits, praise him. Give him lots of pats and tell him how good he is.If your dog ignores you and is still going to jump on you, do one of the following, follow one of the other methods listed in this article before proceeding to the next step.
  3. Once you have stopped your dog from jumping on you, repeat the "sit" command if necessary. Praise your dog when he sits.
  4. Keep doing this every time your dog starts to jump on you. Gradually, your dog will learn that he should sit if he wants you to greet him.

Leash Method

  1. Put a collar with leash attached to your dog.
  2. When he jumps on you, tell him in a semi firm voice "no" don't be too harsh because you have let him do it for a long time and he will wonder why you are suddenly so angry.
  3. With him facing you at your feet, step on the leash and keep your foot on it. Next time he jumps, he will get only inches off the ground.
  4. Give the dog a treat and say "good boy" (or girl). You may have to repeat this for a couple of days.


  • As in any animal training, there are many methods which will achieve the desired result. You should research all suggested methods and pick the one which most fits in with your training philosophy, without damaging the dog-handler relationship as you see it. Any dog training regime will be more successful if the dog and handler have a strong relationship.
  • In addition to finding which method works for you, figure out which one works best for your dog. Every dog is different and has different motivations. For example, some dogs may think the "Holding Paws" method is a fun game and a good way to get you to give them physical attention. If the training seems ineffective after a period of consistent work, try something new.
  • Make sure your dog is getting a consistent message. If you are trying to teach your dog not to jump on you, but someone in your family, one of your friends, or anyone else who comes into your house gives him praise and attention for jumping up, your dog will never learn to sit politely to get what he wants. Make sure everyone who comes into your house knows that the dog is not to be acknowledged until he is sitting calmly.
  • As an alternative or in addition to the steps listed above, crate train your dog. If your dog is crate trained. You can simply send him to the crate when you leave and let him out when you come back.
  • Keep your comings and goings low key. If you make a big fuss every time you enter or leave the house, your dog is more likely to get excited and start jumping. Try ignoring the dog for 5 minutes when you get home. That takes the excitement out of your arrival.


  • Never hit your dog or use other abusive behavior to make him stop jumping on you. Remember that your dog is most likely jumping up to greet you because he is glad to see you. Hitting or yelling at your dog will make him afraid of you or more aggressive.
  • Avoid kneeing your dog in the chest to make him stop jumping. This could cause accidental injury. The side of the leg is much safer.
  • With the collar and leash method, please, PLEASE do not use choke chains! Many people have accidentally collapsed their dog's windpipes because of choke chains. You will get just as good, or even better result with a regular buckle or snap collar.

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