How To Train An Adult Staffordsire Bull Terrier

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lock How To Train An Adult Staffordsire Bull Terrier

Post by Steve Sat May 12 2012, 08:27

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Train An Adult

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

How To Train An Adult Staffordsire Bull Terrier

It is important to train your dog. Besides helping it behave better, training a dog will improve its relationship with you. More importantly still, training a dog to come, for example, could save it from being hit by a car if it ever escapes.

  1. Borrow and buy books on dog training from your local library and your local bookshop. I highly recommend "It's Me or the Dog" by Victoria Stilwell, which should be available at all good libraries and bookshops.
  2. Get some treats that your dog likes. Take small pieces so that you can give it one for each thing it does without worrying about your dog getting fat.
  3. The very most important command you can train your dog is to come. Tell it to come whenever you feed it or under any other circumstance that it will come to you regardless. You can also attach it to its leash and pull on it while telling it to come, too.
  4. Take your dog, on a leash, to somewhere you can train them. Retractable leashes are generally not a good idea, as the string can break easily. You should also make sure the leash is comfortable to hold bunched up in your hand and has not been damaged.
  5. When you start your walk, give your dog a command, such as heel or walk. You can give your dog any command for each thing, but you should always use the same command.
  6. If you want your dog to speed up, give it a command to do so. If you want to slow down, tell it to. If your dog is pulling on its leash, give a tug on the leash to get its attention and tell it to slow down.
  7. Tell your dog to sit when you stop. If your dog doesn't know how or simply refuses to, pull on its leash and push down on its back end while repeating the command.
  8. After it sits, have it lie down. To make a dog lie down, push down on its shoulders while it is sitting while telling it a command to lie down. If that doesn't work, go in front of your sitting dog and pull its front legs down. If your dog is still too stubborn, stand it up, go to one side of it, and pull the front and back leg opposite of you towards you. Your dog will be flipped to the ground. If you use the last method listed, make sure to give it a lot of praise and a few treats. Do not flip it if your dog has back problems or has a long back.
  9. If you come across something that you do not want your dog to eat and it seems interested or your dog is interested in a person/pet going by, tell it to leave it alone and praise it when it switches its attention towards you.
  10. If you want to train it not to chew on something, scold it whenever you catch it chewing on it and tell it drop. If your dog won't let go, push on its cheeks near the back of the jaw bone and praise it for dropping it.
  11. If your dog climbs on furniture or jumps on you without permission, tell it to get off in a scolding manner and praise it when it does. If necessary, shove it off the furniture. If it jumps on you without permission, tell it to get off and move your knee forward to bump it.
  12. Praise your dog and give it a treat when it does what you tell it to, whether you had to make it do what you told it or if it did it on its own.
  13. Work with your dog every day for at least a few minutes. Try to spend a maximum time of an hour on any training besides a nice walk, so that your dog doesn't get annoyed.
  14. Do not shout at or hit your dog as aggression often comes from fear. If you hit a dog too much or too harshly, he becomes nervous of hands approaching him. So when a child goes to stroke the dog, all he sees is the same hand that hit him approaching. He is scared and he thinks "Is this person going to hit me today?" So he bites them.

  • Always reward your dog some way if it does what you want it to, especially when you are first training it.
  • If you feed your dog dry food, it can sometimes work for its treats.
  • Chopped up hot dogs are some dogs' favorite treat, but each dog has unique tastes, so experiment with different food items to see what your dog likes the best.
  • If you train your dog in a secure, fenced-off area, you can throw a toy your dog particularly likes and have it fetch as a reward.
  • If your dog manages to escape from you and won't come to you when you tell it to, do not chase it. If you do, it will think that you are more or less playing tag, and it will only run faster. Instead, run the opposite way while calling it nicely as if you want to play with it. It will then turn around and chase you.
  • Never scold your dog for not doing what you want it to; you should only scold it if it does something it never should, such as chewing on furniture. If your dog doesn't do what you want it to, gently correct it and praise it when it is in the appropriate position or is behaving properly.
  • If your dog runs away, do not punish it. You only can punish it when it has returned, thus it will think you are punishing it for coming back.
  • If your dog is too enthusiastic and bites your fingers while taking a treat, you may want to try giving the treats to it on a fork.
  • If you do not have much time, have your dog sit and lie down or some other quick things for each meal.

  • Always make sure that the ground is at a temperature that is cool enough for you to hold your hand on it for 10 seconds without getting burned, so that your dog doesn't get burned.
  • If you have a big dog, you will need close-toed shoes with good soles so that you won't get hurt if your dog steps on you or lose your balance/get dragged if your dog pulls too hard.
  • Never put the loop of the leash around your wrist. If you do, your arm can get seriously hurt if your dog yanks hard on the leash.

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