First run in with another dog owner

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First run in with another dog owner  Empty First run in with another dog owner

Post by Tommy1984 Fri Nov 07 2014, 11:32

It has took 11 months but finally came. Tbh most people I see around are fine and have no issue with the dogs. Anyway last night my partners little sister was taking her 11 month old out so took ours aswell. Both are 11 months and haven't even so much growled at another dog yet plenty have growled at them. After she left about half an hour later my partner got a phone call from her in tears. A man up the park having a go at her telling her to get they f***ing dogs on a lead and they shouldn't be let of. She's only 19 so an easy target for a grain man to pick on.

I asked if he was still there she said he was so I jumped in the car and went up. I caught him just as he was leaving the park. I asked if he was the man who was abusing a girl with 2 staffs. His first words were look I'm 50 I don't want any trouble then brought out his phone saying he's calling the police. I asked what the problem was with the dogs. He said his jack russel was in hear and he didn't want dogs near it. I said that's fair enough but the male has been done anyway so no chance of anything like that happening.he then told me my dogs should be on te lead at all times. Even though the jack russel was of the lead he expects me have mine on. I explained it's a public park you are going to encounter dogs of the lead and you can't just shut the park as he decides to take his out. If we see a dog on the lead ours gets put straight on there's. His was of the lead and the male dog went to go over for a sniff. The jack russel then showed it's teeth and snarled and our dog ran away as it got scared. He then said they dogs mail dogs etc still saying get them on a lead in the park. Insane th only dog what has shown any sign of aggression is your jack Russell. He still was talking about what they dogs can do then I lost my temper a bit and said maybe yeah but it's not my f in dogs that has ever done anything and if he thinks he can bully. A wee girl then try it on someone else. Ended with him walking away saying the police are getting called and he took my picture

Last edited by -Ian- on Fri Nov 07 2014, 14:24; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Altered swear word)

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First run in with another dog owner  Empty Re: First run in with another dog owner

Post by Kathy Fri Nov 07 2014, 11:43

May I ask what area you are in ?

It may be worth you contacting the local dog warden to give your version of events right away.

One thing to remember is that whoever has hold of the dogs lead is responsible for the dogs actions, you say this girl had both dogs in her control so would be seen as being responsible for both at the time.

This does sound like a very similar incident that happened to me and my hubby while at a local park, a guy was making threats about the police when our dog was on the lead and under control while another dog was running loose. As I said contact the local dog warden and make a statement to him/her.
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First run in with another dog owner  Empty Re: First run in with another dog owner

Post by Tommy1984 Fri Nov 07 2014, 11:54

It's me who he's phoning the police on he says. Says I was being aggressive. I know what aggressive is and I certainly wasn't being aggressive. It's just in not a young girl so he can't bully me away. There's a certain way of talking to people and shouting and swearing at a 19yo girl isn't the way. His dog was of the lead so her wee sister thought the dog was okay. It wasn't until the male dog went over to see it then his jack russel started snarling at it then our male dog ran away. If his dog was on the lead ours would have been to. He can't expect to go to a park let his dog of and everyone else's be in a lead . Our dogs play with a few dogs up there so people know there of a good nature and they haven't a problem with them. If it wasn't staffs I'm sure there wouldn't have been a problem. Or if it was a guy he wouldn't have spoke to him like he spoke to her little sister. He kept mentioning what they dogs can do. I said well your lucky there friendly then aren't you ? As if they weren't and your dogs showing it's teeth snarling at them it could have ended a different way

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First run in with another dog owner  Empty Re: First run in with another dog owner

Post by Mia05 Fri Nov 07 2014, 11:56

Unfortunately cos of one bad staffy all dogs get tarred with the same brush some people dnt realise theyre in the wrong. I personally dnt like jrt if u see this man just walk the other way. Not worth you or your dogs getting into trouble.

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First run in with another dog owner  Empty Re: First run in with another dog owner

Post by ColinW Fri Nov 07 2014, 13:55

See a lot of these posts and it always seems to be a man giving abuse to a female and if anyone tries to take a photo of me without permission like that i would shove it where the sun don't shine. Jumped up little Hitler grrrr hate bullies.
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First run in with another dog owner  Empty Re: First run in with another dog owner

Post by Tommy1984 Fri Nov 07 2014, 14:10

That's them on from there second walk up the same park. Bumped into a man who goes up frequently with his 2 Alsations he doesn't know who it was and he's up there every day. I'm thinking he's not up there much now. I would have seen him aswell by now at some point as im up there 3 times a day when in home from work.unless I have the car then I take them somewhere else

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First run in with another dog owner  Empty Re: First run in with another dog owner

Post by Kathy Fri Nov 07 2014, 14:14

That's what I do now, walk in another place as I don't need the stress. The guy the girl saw should be reported though for making threats and taking photos. Please find out who your local dog warden is, you can find this information on your councils website and drop them an email explaining what happened.
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First run in with another dog owner  Empty Re: First run in with another dog owner

Post by Tommy1984 Fri Nov 07 2014, 14:19

When the mrs is working she takes the car so it's the closest park to me. When I have the car I usually take them somewhere else. I won't stop going there just because of him though. The dogs play with a lot of dogs up there . I'm bit having them miss out because of him

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First run in with another dog owner  Empty Re: First run in with another dog owner

Post by -Ian- Fri Nov 07 2014, 14:29

The man was an ass and a bully simple as. As soon as you asked him what was going on he soon backed off by the sound of it. Being a fella I've never had this reaction but my OH has and she simply gives a snide remark back. Sometimes you just gave to be a little more clever than these idiots and reply with something quiet cutting.

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First run in with another dog owner  Empty Re: First run in with another dog owner

Post by Inez Maria Fri Nov 07 2014, 18:49

Just walk in the other direction if you come across him in future, some people just dont know how to behave

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First run in with another dog owner  Empty Re: First run in with another dog owner

Post by Mia05 Fri Nov 07 2014, 20:38

ive always said its not the dog that needs the muzzle its the owner

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First run in with another dog owner  Empty Re: First run in with another dog owner

Post by Nathan Sat Nov 08 2014, 11:25

cant honestly see what the police could do. and they certainly wouldnt bother with coming out unless there was threats of violence.
sounds just like a bully to me who thinks he has the right to the park over everyone else.
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