How to buy a dilution colour dog?

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Post by Staffy-Bull-Terrier Sat Apr 21 2012, 19:34

Important Announcement

How To Buy A

Dilution Colour Dog

How to buy a dilution colour dog

Back Yard Breeders have found a new “in” thing. Dilute pups. Dilute pups are mainly Blue, Blue brindle and Fawn pups. As long as there is a high demand for a certain type or colour of dogs, these breeders will exploit this as much as they can. The fad they have found to exploit this time is to breed a Blue Stafford with another Blue Stafford as the outcome is nearly always 100% Blue pups.

Both dogs may be healthy in themselves; the pups might even be healthy. But the fact is, eventually this will go horribly wrong and here is why:

Colour Dilution Alopecia. This horrible ailment causes the dog to suffer from itchy skin, hair loss and potentially open sores from scratching to relieve the itching. While all dogs are susceptible to this skin problem, scientific fact is that a Blue pup bred from a long line of Blue and Blue parents are significantly more at risk of developing this problem. This is likened to two white dogs breeding and the pups being deaf, which no one is in dispute about.

If you are looking to buy a Blue or “Dilute” pup, you should be aware of the following rules of thumb: -

  • Both Parents shouldn't be the same colour; For a Blue puppy one parent should always be black
  • Parents must be fully health checked for all diseases
  • Parents and grand parents must be free from Colour Dilution Alopecia
  • Both parents should be kc registered if you are expected to pay for them
  • The pup should be free of inbreeding or close line breeding for a least 3 or 4 generations on both sides

The health of a puppy should always be paramount to a breeder, a breeder that will allow you to take a pup early is one to be avoided so it’s always good to ask them if you would be allowed to take a pup one week early as a “trick” question.

Dilute colours are just the same as any Staffordshire Bull Terrier, if a breeder is asking for an amount of money vastly greater than the amount you would pay for a normal colour because “it is a rare colour” then they should be avoided as they are likely to be Back Yard Breeders.

Happy hunting and please note we at only have and will only ever have the best interests of the health of the breed and as such cannot condone irresponsible breeding such as double diluting.

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